Thursday, December 31, 2015

31 December 2015

While watching the Clemson game Alyson started cheering, "Go Daniel Tiger! Go Daniel Tiger!"

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

30 December 2015

Nana gave the girls a shoebox full of costume jewelry to play with. After Alyson put on every last piece, Alyson declared, "I'm all prepped for my party!"

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

29 December 2015

On the way to Nana and Poppop's we passed a small airport with two planes parked near the road. Alyson was confused.

Alyson: Why aren't they flying?
Me/Tony: The planes' owners probably don't need to go anywhere right now.
Alyson: Probably it's not windy enough.

Monday, December 28, 2015

28 December 2015

When Alyson was finishing up her lunch:

Me: Are you eating anymore?
Alyson: Nope, not today!
Me: So, you're not eating dinner?
Alyson: Just breakfast and lunch.

(At dinner she said that she didn't like pineapple today. She has this toddler thing down.)

Sunday, December 27, 2015

27 December 2015

While the girls were playing:

Alyson: Oopsie Aly!
Madelyn: It's "Oopsie Daisy".
Alyson: But my name is Aly, not Daisy.


The girls both have clocks that change from a girl sleeping to a girl riding a scooter when they are allowed to get up. The only problem is that you can't set AM or PM, so if the girls go to bed more than twelve hours before we want them getting up, the clock will change soon after they go to bed.

The girls were in bed a little early tonight because they were being unruly, so they were in bed actually before 7pm. Their clocks were set for 8pm, and we fully knew we would have to reset their clocks before we went to bed. Alyson had been up to go potty, a little after she went to bed, and Tony had reset her stars that project on her ceiling, which stay on for 45 minutes.

A little later, Tony heard Alyson get out of bed over the monitor and looked at the clock to see that it was 8PM. On his way upstairs to get her, he heard her go into Madelyn's room and say, "Madelyn, my clock says morning! And, your clock says morning! Madelyn?"

Madelyn was completely asleep and never heard her.

Tony got Alyson:

Tony: You need to go back to bed.
Alyson: But my clock says morning.
Tony: You haven't been to sleep yet. It's dark and your stars are still on. 

The crazy toddler got back in bed and hasn't been up since (thank goodness).

Saturday, December 26, 2015

26 December 2015

While at dinner:

Alyson: Mom, Mom, Mom, you are my only mom. I love you and only you.
Tony looked at her and made a pouty, sad face.
Alyson, looking at Tony: I love all of you!

Friday, December 25, 2015

25 December 2015

After Alyson opened up her giant yellow rubber ducky from Santa:

Tony: Are you going to have it in the bath with you?
Alyson pondered that like she had never even considered that it could go in the bath.
Tony: Do you think it will fit in the tub with you?
Alyson: Um.... YEAH!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

24 December 2015

I tossed Alyson's Hershey Kiss from her Advent calendar to Tony for her dessert after lunch. My throw was a little low, but he caught it.

Me: Oops, sorry, that was a little low.
Alyson: That was a very below the throw.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

23 December 2015

Multiple times today, Alyson had a conversation like this:

Person talking to her: What's tomorrow?
Alyson, excitedly: Halloween!
Person: No not Halloween.
Alyson, with a sly look in her eye because she was teasing: Christmas Eve!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

22 December 2015


This morning, I picked Alyson up for some cuddles after drinking some coffee.

Alyson: What is that smell?
Me: Sorry. I just had some coffee so it's probably coffee breath.
Alyson: What's coffee breath?
Me: Drinking coffee can give you bad, stinky breath.

Alyson: You better wash your breath off.


The girls were in the other room playing with their new art sets they got from the Sesins for Christmas. I guess Madelyn was using the scissors to cut some paper for them because we heard Alyson say, "When I grow up, I want to use my scissors."

Monday, December 21, 2015

21 December 2015

This afternoon after Alyson got up from her nap, Tony​ and I realized that we would potentially be stuck inside with an almost-3-year-old for a few days since it was supposed to rain. We decided to take a walk down to the park before going to get Madelyn at the bus stop. Alyson was ahead of us as we walked to the park and suddenly turned around and asked in a worried, slightly panicked voice, "What's after seben?!"

Also, while at the park, Tony ended up being a bank teller at some point, and Alyson needed two moneys but she only had one money in her account and needed a loan. I wish I had gotten all of that on video.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

20 December 2015

Alyson was being her silly little self:

Tony: You're a silly little pickle.
Alyson: You're a silly tomato!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

19 December 2015

Alyson was having a day when it was hard being almost three. The girls were cleaning up toys, and Madelyn starting picking up Alyson's. Alyson started pouting:

Alyson: I'm not happy with you, Madelyn.
Tony: Why aren't you happy?
Alyson: I'm not happy with Madelyn because she's putting away my toys and I wanted to do it!

Friday, December 18, 2015

18 December 2015


Before we came home today:

Alyson: What are we having for dinner?
Me: I don't know. What do you want for dinner?
Alyson, completely seriously: Cupcakes.

Me: You want cupcakes for dinner?
Alyson: I like cupcakes.


As we were saying goodnight:

Alyson, dead serious: I need to tell you something.
Me: What?
Alyson: I'm thirsty.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

17 December 2015

When Alyson first saw Santa on the firetruck tonight, she declared, "Santa is on that firetruck! He should be on his sled!"

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

16 December 2015

While riding home this afternoon, I had put Alyson's jacket over her like a blanket while in the car seat. This wasn't the first time I had done this. Alyson declared, "My jacket isn't a blankie! It doesn't say 'blankie' on it!"

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

15 December 2015

While Alyson was eating a snowman made of marshmallows:

Alyson, pointing to the top where the Oreo hat had been attached: I don't like this. What is it?
Tony: Chocolate.
Alyson: Ohhh.....

Monday, December 14, 2015

14 December 2015

This afternoon while Alyson was playing on the hardwood floor:

Alyson: I don't want this kind of floor anymore!
Me: Why not?
Alyson: I don't like it.
Me: What don't you like about it?
Alyson, pointing at the grain in the wood: All of these black things!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

13 December 2015

During dinner, Alyson kept trying to bite the stem of a piece of steamed broccoli. When she couldn't bite through it, she said, "That part is really hard to bite, so I want to do it!"

Saturday, December 12, 2015

12 December 2015

During breakfast:

Alyson: My oatmeal was way too yummy!
Me, teasing of course: What should we do next time to not make it so yummy?
Alyson, thinking really hard: Ummmm.... I don't know!

Friday, December 11, 2015

11 December 2015

I wrapped Christmas presents this afternoon and put them under the tree. I pointed them out to Alyson after the girls were home.

Me: You can't touch any of the presents under the tree.
Alyson: Why not?
Me: We don't want to mess them up and none of them are for you right now anyway.
Alyson, pouting: Aaawwwwww.....

Thursday, December 10, 2015

10 December 2015

We're still eating some of Madelyn's leftover birthday cake from her party Saturday. Today, while Alyson was eating her cake she said, "Why is it called Lego cake? I think it's called yummy Lego cake. BEST! Lego! Cake! Ebber!!"

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

09 December 2015

When I was getting Alyson ready for bed, she tried giving me her KidFit to sync to the app on my phone. 

Me: You have to give this to Daddy to sync on his phone. My app syncs to Madelyn's KidFit.
Alyson, whiny and tired: But I love you....

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

08 December 2015

When I was picking Alyson up after work:

Me: What's tomorrow?
Alyson: Grandma's birthday?
Me: No, that was yesterday. What's tomorrow?
Alyson: Ummmm....
Me: Who's birthday is it tomorrow?
Mom, stage whispering: My sister's...
Alyson: No! My sister! She's only my sister!

Monday, December 7, 2015

07 December 2015

A couple of days ago, Alyson got a toy taken away from her because she threw it while cleaning up. Tony gave it back to her today.

Alyson, after Tony gave her the toy: I wanted that!
Tony: Now, what are you not supposed to do with toys?
Alyson: Throw them.
Tony: Go put it away.
Alyson, taking the toy back to the playroom: Next time we're cleaning up, I won't throw it.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

06 December 2015

When we left for church this morning, Alyson asked if it had snowed. I told her that it was frost on the ground. When we got into the car, I had to scrape the frost off of it.

Alyson: Why is the car frozen?
Me: Moisture condensed on the car and turned to ice.
Alyson: And turned to Frosty the Snowman car!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

05 December 2015

When Tony got Alyson up from her nap:

Tony: Guess what.
Alyson: It Madelyn birthday?
Tony: No.
Alyson: Then what day is it?
Tony: Saturday. We're going to go have Madelyn's party. It's time to get ready to go.
Alyson: Yay!

Friday, December 4, 2015

04 December 2015

I gave Alyson a few baby spinach leaves with dinner. As she picked one up to eat it:

Me: You want some dip for that?
Alyson: No! I don't like dip! ... What's dip?

(For the record, this girl loves condiments.)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

03 December 2015

Ever since Halloween, Alyson has been asking every day when it will be Halloween again. Today, she was asking again as we left Grandma and Grandpa's. She went on to say, "Grandma and Grandpa and GG like to go Halloweening." I'm pretty sure "Halloweening" is trick-or-treating.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

02 December 2015

On the way home this afternoon, Alyson saw a mail truck and said, "Aw, that's cute! It's a little truck!"

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

01 December 2015

While getting ready for bed, Alyson had to go potty as soon as she got all of her clothes off. She ran naked into the bathroom. As soon as she was done, she bent down and tried reaching for something around her ankles. Once she realized what she was doing, she laughed and said, "I almost pulled my pants up! Silly me!"