Friday, September 30, 2016

30 September 2016

While at Target today, we bought Alyson's Cinderella Halloween costume. She wanted to put it on when we got home. It's big and poofy and glittery. After a little bit of wearing it:

Alyson: Can I take it off now?
Me: Why don't you wait until Daddy gets home so that he can see it? He's almost home.

A little bit later as Tony walked in the door:

Alyson: Look, Daddy! I got a Cinderella dress! Can I take it off now?

Thursday, September 29, 2016

29 September 2016

When we got into the car after leaving Mom's the windshield was covered in raindrops. As I started the car, Alyson asked, "When are you going to turn on the up and down squeaky thing and clean the window off?"

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

28 September 2016


While we were at the bus stop this afternoon, there was a little dog that thought it was a big dog yapping madly at the big dogs going by. Alyson observed, "Wow, that's a hyper dog."


Filed under three-year-olds are random: During dinner Alyson asked, "Why is it not good to eat a house?"

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

27 September 2016

During dinner, Alyson randomly started reminiscing about her last birthday party: "Remember at my Doc McStuffins birthday there were so many people that some people were sitting up there [points to the bar] and I was sitting in my chair over there and Grandma cleaned me up. I don't remember if Madelyn was borned yet or not."

Monday, September 26, 2016

26 September 2016

The little girl is not so good with names yet. As we were leaving preschool:

Alyson: I know one of the girls in my class's name!
Me: What is it?
Alyson: It's [inaudible] or something like that.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

25 September 2016

During dinner, Tony jokingly asked the girls if they wanted Brussels sprouts this week. Alyson wasn't really paying attention, but had an opinion: "Do I like that? I don't want it. What are you guys talking about?"

Saturday, September 24, 2016

24 September 2016

On the way home from Julie's this evening as the sun was setting.

Madelyn: Is the sun the brightest light?
Alyson: No. Light is the brightest light.

Friday, September 23, 2016

23 September 2016

After Tony put some hydrocortisone on one of Alyson's monster bug bites, Alyson informed us, "Bug bites need to heal because they're like scrapes, only bumpier."

Thursday, September 22, 2016

22 September 2016

Alyson was showing Madelyn her shape picture from school. On it, she had glued shapes to make a house. Next to the house was a circle with a rectangle on top of it. Alyson told Madelyn, "That's a tree, but I decided I didn't want to make it like a tree, so I did it upside-down." Well, okay.

Monday, September 19, 2016

19 September 2016

Before she went to bed, I talked to Aly on FaceTime since I'm in Boston (well, actually Google Duo, but same idea). When we were ending the call, she actually hugged and kissed the phone to say good night to me.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

18 September 2016

Alyson was excited when she figured out what we were having for dinner, and ran to tell Madelyn while yelling/singing, "Pancakes we are having! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!"

Saturday, September 17, 2016

17 September 2016

We rode bikes today around our city to visit some parks. We have a bike "trailer" for Alyson that attaches to the back of a bike and is essentially like pulling a carriage. The trailer was attached to my bike, and was pretty heavy with Alyson and our picnic lunch in it. As we were going up a hill:

Alyson: Why are we going to slow?
Me: Because you're heavy.
Alyson: Really?

Friday, September 16, 2016

16 September 2016

I was sitting on the bench at the dining room table and Alyson was sitting on the floor with her head on my foot.

Alyson, teasingly: I'm sitting on your foot!
Tony: No, you're laying on Mommy's foot.
Alyson, sitting up and starting to move: Fine! I'll sit on her foot!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

15 September 2016

On the way to Mom's after preschool, Alyson was asking me random questions like when I last got my car washed. She was impressed that I could answer the question and told me, "You have a better remembery than me."

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

14 September 2016

During Madelyn's soccer practice, Alyson and I went to play on the adjacent playground. Alyson was slowly walking behind me.

Me: You coming?
Alyson: I'm just walking slowly so I can fix my necklace because I wanted some privacy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

13 September 2016

Alyson would not hold her head still this morning while Tony was trying to do her hair.

Tony, trying to explain to Alyson why she needs to keep her head still: When you turn your head, I have to start over with your ponytail or half ponytail. That's why we ask you to keep your head still, not because I am a big meanie head. Am I a big meanie head?
Alyson: No! You're not a meanie head!

Monday, September 12, 2016

12 September 2016

Alyson and I went for a walk after dinner and after Tony and Madelyn left for CCD. While on our walk, we saw a dead animal (squirrel or some other rodent) on the sidewalk.

Alyson: What was that?
Me: A dead animal.

Alyson: Dead animals are part of nature.
Me: Yup, animals are part of nature whether they are dead or alive.

She then went on listing everything she saw that was part of nature such as leaves, trees, and plants, but not cars.

Alyson, when we got home: Well, we did find one think about nature - a dead animal!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

11 September 2016

Tony had taken Madelyn out to get soccer cleats after dinner. Alyson had had a cold and was a bit cranky, so I stayed home with her to give her a bath and get her to bed. Tony usually reads Alyson her bedtime story. When it was story time, I took the top book off of the pile closest to the rocking chair as per Alyson's orders.

Alyson, as I put the book on the pile after we finished reading it: No! It goes on that pile.
Me, as I put the book on the shorter, farther away pile instead: Okay then.
Alyson, giving me a lecture: This pile is the books we haven't read. That one is the ones we read. If it's a long book, I only get one book. If it's a short book, I get another book. But, if it's two short books, I get another book. But I don't get two long books. When we're done this pile we get new books for the pile.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

10 September 2016

During dinner after giving thumbs-up to her food:

Alyson, giving me two thumbs-up: Two thumbs-up for you, Mommy, because I love you!
Tony: Does anyone else get thumbs-up?
Alyson, giving two thumbs-up to Tony: You get two thumbs-up because I even love you, Daddy.

Friday, September 9, 2016

09 September 2016

Alyson was getting ready for a little screen time on an old iPhone. It had been asking about doing an update, but I hadn't been doing it before she started playing because you can't keep a three-year-old waiting for something like that. Alyson tapped the button on the notification before I even noticed it.

Alyson, showing me the phone: Um, Mommy, what is this?!?!
Me: Oh, you started the update. You're going to have to wait a few minutes.
Alyson: A few minutes? Like one-hundred minutes?

Thursday, September 8, 2016

08 September 2016

On the way home this afternoon:

Alyson: When are we going to have a play date with [old neighbor]?
Me: I'm not sure.
Alyson: Do you even know where they moved to?
Me: I know about where, but not the exact house.

Alyson: Maybe their house has a gingerbread front door!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

07 September 2016

When Madelyn was in preschool, she would answer the "What did you do today?" question with, "I played and played and played until it was time to go home." Alyson has heard about this a few times. After I picked her up from her first day of preschool without parents there:
Me: What did you do today?
Alyson, starting to giggle: I played and played and played until I was done!

Oh, that little trickster! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

06 September 2016

Alyson was bored at the bus stop while waiting for Madelyn and decided I needed a leg accessory.

Monday, September 5, 2016

05 September 2016

When I got home from my run this morning, I noticed a scrape on Alyson's chin.

Me: How'd you get that scrape?
Alyson: What scrape?
Tony: The scrape you just got while playing with Madelyn.

Alyson: Huh?

Turns out that they were playing with their new wooden shields maybe an hour before I got home. Madelyn got a little too into it and accidentally hit Alyson in the chin. Good thing it didn't phase her at all.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

04 September 2016

Alyson was really tired when we left the Renaissance Festival today. She was fighting sleep in the car. When I noticed that she was finally asleep and was about to say something to Tony, she realized she had been caught. Alyson jerked her head up and fought to stay awake the rest of the right home. I told her that she could go to sleep if she was tired. Her response was, "NO!"

Saturday, September 3, 2016

03 September 2016

Alyson was being really silly during lunch.

Me: You're acting really crazy, silly goose!
Alyson: I think I was born way crazy!

Friday, September 2, 2016

02 September 2016

This afternoon, Alyson came with me to the bus stop to wait for Madelyn as usual. Tony, who took today off from work, stayed home to work in the garden a bit. While we were at the bus stop, Alyson decided she was thirsty and wanted her water. We can see our house from the bus stop, so I texted Tony to ask him to meet Alyson in front of the house. When I gave Alyson permission to head home, she was so excited that she started to gallop away. I yelled to her to make sure to check for cars at the driveways, knowing fully that none of our neighbors were home and would be backing out of the driveways. Alyson galloped to the first driveway, stopped quickly, deliberately looked both ways, and galloped on. She did that at all three driveways she passed on the way home.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

01 September 2016

The girls were up a little earlier than necessary this morning, so they were playing in Madelyn's room until we got up. Tony went to get them.

Tony: It's time to stop playing and get ready for school.
Alyson, excited about her first day of preschool came jumping out of Madelyn's room chanting: School! School! School! School!