Saturday, May 31, 2014

31 May 2014

This morning while Tony was getting Alyson dressed, he gave her her shorts and t-shirt to play with while he changed her diaper. Alyson decided to help. She put her shorts on her arm and tried putting her shirt on her legs.

Friday, May 30, 2014

30 May 2014

For part of dinner, we had dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets (yup, really healthy). Madelyn was pretending to be a dinosaur while eating one. Alyson copied her while taking a bite:



Thursday, May 29, 2014

29 May 2014

While in the bath, Tony was pouring water in front of Alyson. She kept grabbing at it with a confused and frustrated look on her face because no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hold onto the water right in front of her.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

28 May 2014

All day today....

Alyson: Aiper! Aiper! Aiper! 
Me: Do you need a new diaper?
Alyson: Aiper! Aiper! Aiper!

(However, I never really got a clear answer about needing a new diaper or not.)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

27 May 2014

Tony rinsed out a plastic milk jug that was empty that needed to go into the recycling bin.

Tony, handing it to Alyson: Here, Alyson, go take this to the front door.

Alyson turned around, walked to the refrigerator, and tried to open the refrigerator door.

Monday, May 26, 2014

26 May 2014

While at the Memorial Day parade this morning, Alyson was getting antsy and wanted to walk around. I put her down and she looked around for her escape route. When she looked behind us, she saw a dog.

Alyson, pointing: Eh!
Dog owner: It's okay, she's friendly.
Me: Alyson, do you want to pet the doggie?

Alyson tentatively walked toward the dog, but once the dog paid attention to her, she turned back toward me. Slowly she got up the nerve and went to pet the dog. The owner turned the dog so that Alyson could more easily get to her side to pet her. Suddenly, the dog turned and licked Alyson right in the face. Alyson just stood there in shock, but didn't really care. For the rest of the parade, she kept tentatively walking up to the dog to "pet" her. Good thing the owner also had kids, so she didn't care.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

25 May 2014

Madelyn was sitting on the couch barefoot playing with the iPad. Alyson came over to the couch and stood right in front of Madelyn. She crouched down, grabbed Madelyn's right big toe, and exclaimed:

"I gah ih!"

(Translation: "I got it!")

Saturday, May 24, 2014

24 May 2014

When I was just finishing up feeding Alyson before bed, a large number of motorcycles went by outside. Alyson pointed to the window asking what the noise was.

Me: It was just some motorcycles. Don't worry, they went buh bye.
Alyson: Ba bye!

Friday, May 23, 2014

23 May 2014

On the way home from dinner:

Tony, reading a bumper sticker on the minivan in front of us: "If breastfeeding offends you, put a blanket over YOUR head."
Me, laughing: That's great!

Alyson laughed quite loudly from the back seat.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

22 May 2014

While at Madelyn's end of year preschool program:

Me: Alyson, where's sister?
Alyson, frantically pointing to the stage: Ehhh! Ehhh! Ehhh!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

21 May 2014

During dinner Tony was opening a bag of potato chips. Alyson, who sits across from him at the table, just kept staring at him as he opened the bag as if begging for a chip. She got some.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

20 May 2014

Whenever I am fixing dinner, whether I'm at the counter or the stove, Alyson decides that she must squeeze herself in the tiny bit of space between me and the cabinet/stove. It's like she's a dog expecting me to drop some food for her. And she will try to shove me out of the way to fit there. Often, once she is there, she grabs my legs and trying to stick her head between my legs to look out, almost knocking me over.

Monday, May 19, 2014

19 May 2014

Girl is stubborn. When she wants something she will get it, or so she thinks. Before I started fixing dinner, Alyson was at the end of the bench that is for our kitchen table trying to get her Easter basket and/or the bag of potato chips just out of her reach in the corner of the bench (the bench is L-shaped). Since she couldn't reach, she walked around the table to the other end of the bench, walked under the table to the inside of the corner of the bench, and reached up to grab the bag of chips. All I could see was this little hand reaching up trying to get the bag. (Too bad I didn't get a photo!)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

18 May 2014

All day today, Alyson kept saying "bubbles" to everything and everyone. At bath time, she got really excited when I started filling the tub and kept cheering/screaming while bouncing up and down:

"Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles!"

Saturday, May 17, 2014

17 May 2014

On the way back from Lowes, the girls were playing in the back seat. Alyson was holding onto Madelyn's finger yelling:

"Owwww! Owwww! Owwww!"

Friday, May 16, 2014

16 May 2014

While watching the Zachary Levi and Bert Sesame Street video, Alyson kept trying to point to and touch the computer screen every time Bert came on and would yell:


Thursday, May 15, 2014

15 May 2014

Madelyn was laying on the couch playing with the iPad. Alyson came over to see what her sister was doing. She stood next to Madelyn and put her head down on Madelyn's shoulder to cuddle and watch.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

14 May 2014

After dinner, I was reading a book to Alyson and Madelyn: "Elmo and Abby's Wacky Weather Day".

Me, reading: "'Uh-oh,' Abby said."
Alyson, interrupting: Uh oh!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

13 May 2014

Before story time, Tony was trimming Alyson's nails. He was almost done when she whimpered and cuddled up closer to him and sucked her thumb as if saying, "Daddy, are you done yet?"

Monday, May 12, 2014

12 May 2014

After we got home today, Madelyn, Alyson, and I were exploring the yard. The girls started playing on the little ramp into the shed. Alyson sat down and started scooting down it on her butt like she was sliding down a slide. It didn't work too well.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

11 May 2014

While we were at Home Depot buying veggie plants for the garden, we came across purple basil that Madelyn wanted to buy. After hearing that it was purple:

Alyson: Popple!

10 May 2014

When Alyson finished eating dinner:

Me: Alyson, do you want down or do you want dessert?
Alyson, quite excitedly: Zert!

Friday, May 9, 2014

09 May 2014

Alyson has heard her sister sing "Let It Go" a few too many times. 

Alyson, carrying a pretty decent tune and rhythm: Daa doe...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

08 May 2014

After we got home today, we went outside to play with the water table. Alyson kept insisting on taking one scoop and drinking the water. She cried and cried when I took her away from the table since she wouldn't stop. When she went back to playing, she kept "drinking" the water, but would mostly pour it all down her front while looking at me to see what I would do. Then, she moved on to pouring the water on her head. Yup, she was soaked.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

07 May 2014

When I was leaving Mom and Dad's this morning to go to work, I knelt down to give Alyson a hug and a kiss bye-bye. She came up to me, turned around, sat down on my legs since I make a wonderful chair, and wouldn't get up to let me go.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

06 May 2014

While playing with a toy phone.

Holding the phone to her ear: Ha dair.

She started walking toward Tony and said again to the person on the other end: Ha dair.

She continued walking: Ha dair.

She handed the phone to Tony who then had a conversation with the imaginary person, found out they wanted to talk to Alyson, and handed the phone back to her.

She took the phone and put it up to her ear: Ha dair.

Suddenly, she turned toward the ottoman and slammed the phone down. 

She picked it back up and put it to her ear again like this was completely normal: Ha dair. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

05 May 2014

Madelyn was in the living room playing on the iPad. Alyson kept doing laps from the kitchen into the living room. Every time she went into the living room, the following conversation ensued:

Alyson to Madelyn: Ha dair!
Madelyn doesn't say anything.
Alyson again: Ha dair!!
Madelyn still doesn't say anything.
Alyson yet again: HA DAIR!!!!
Me from in the kitchen: Madelyn, say hi to your sister.
Madelyn: Hi, Alyson.

Finally happy that Madelyn responded to her "Hi there", Alyson came back into the kitchen.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

04 May 2014

The last bedtime story Tony read to Alyson tonight was her current favorite, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" by Jane Cabrera. When they got to the last page:

"Da da, uh oh!"

Saturday, May 3, 2014

03 May 2014

During breakfast, Madelyn was pointing at the side of her milk cup counting the number of "units" of milk she had drank so far. Alyson grabbed her milk cup and started pointing her finger at it saying, "Ah, ah, ah." Must copy big sister!

Friday, May 2, 2014

02 May 2014

For Easter, Alyson got a few "Sneak-A-Peak-A-Boo" books from Aunt Gina. On each page of the book, there is an inset flap that you lift to see if what you are looking for is hiding under whatever is pictured. She loves them. This morning, while getting her diaper changed, she was looking at one of the books. She would turn the page as she said "Aaa-boooooo!!!!"

Thursday, May 1, 2014

01 May 2014

Between sides while nursing before bed today, Alyson and I were cuddling, and I was trying to get some kisses from her like usual. She put her head down and head butted me in the nose.

Me: Ow! No, Alyson. That hurt.
She looked at me.
Me, as I pointed to my nose: No head. That hurt my nose.

She looked at me sheepishly almost like she was going to cry. Next thing I knew, she bent down and kissed my nose. She looked up at me again as if saying "I'm sorry, Mommy." She put her head down on my shoulder and gave me a long hug. When she straightened back up, she looked sadly at me and kissed my nose again. Seriously, it was the cutest thing ever.