While at the Memorial Day parade this morning, Alyson was getting antsy and wanted to walk around. I put her down and she looked around for her escape route. When she looked behind us, she saw a dog.
Alyson, pointing: Eh!
Dog owner: It's okay, she's friendly.
Me: Alyson, do you want to pet the doggie?
Alyson tentatively walked toward the dog, but once the dog paid attention to her, she turned back toward me. Slowly she got up the nerve and went to pet the dog. The owner turned the dog so that Alyson could more easily get to her side to pet her. Suddenly, the dog turned and licked Alyson right in the face. Alyson just stood there in shock, but didn't really care. For the rest of the parade, she kept tentatively walking up to the dog to "pet" her. Good thing the owner also had kids, so she didn't care.
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