Sunday, August 3, 2014

01 August 2014


While playing mini-golf, I looked in Madelyn's direction for no particular reason.

Madelyn: What?!?!
Tony: Guilty conscience much?
Alyson: Yeah!


Alyson had taken a washcloth from their bathroom and brought it into the living room. I asked her to put it back in their bathroom. She took it and disappeared with it. I went into our bathroom and heard her in theirs. A few minutes later after glancing in their bathroom and not seeing it:

Me: Alyson, did you put the washcloth back in the bathroom?
Alyson: Yeah!
Me: Where? Can you show me?

I follow her into the bathroom, and she lifted up the toilet seat. Yup, the washcloth was in the toilet.

(It actually does make sense other than just being a toddler. The washcloth looked a lot like the cloth wipes we use, so obviously it had to go into the toilet to be cleaned off.)

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