Thursday, September 11, 2014

11 September 2014

While at dinner, Alyson had finished eating and was playing with the Mardi Gras necklace she had brought. She dropped it so that it went under her high chair, but she could still see it.

Alyson: Uh oh!
Me: Uh oh! Where did it go?
Alyson, pointing down: Uh oh!
Me: How are you going to get it?

Our server was watching and snuck in to pull it away from behind Alyson. He then quietly put it on the table next to Alyson. She looked down and didn't see it anymore.

Alyson, confused: Uh oh!
Me: Where did it go?

Alyson kept looking down and around. Finally, she looked over far enough and saw the necklace on the table. She grabbed it and was ecstatic. Of course, since she didn't understand how it got there, she dropped it again to repeat the whole process. And yes, our server continued to play along.

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