Sunday, November 23, 2014

23 November 2014


Alyson was quite talkative on our walk before dinner.

Alyson, while hearing some dogs barking: Walk woof dinner!
Tony: We're on a walk and the dogs want dinner?
Alyson: Yeah.

And later:

Tony: Do you see that airplane?
Alyson, looking up and pointing: Right there!
Tony: Yup.
Alyson, cupping her hand around her mouth and yelling up to the plane: Hi there!


After we got home from visiting Santa:

Me: Alyson, did you like seeing Santa?
Alyson: Yeah....

No, she did not. She screamed bloody murder and wanted nothing to do with the bearded man.


After Alyson had been in bed for a while, and I thought she was asleep, Tony opened the front door to check the weather before going for a run. Alyson's bedroom is right above the living room with the front door. Over the monitor, I heard, "Buh bye!"

1 comment:

  1. What a hoot she is!! I love the hi there to the airplane!

    And the buh bye to the door opening is just hilarious. ��
