Wednesday, December 31, 2014

31 December 2014


In the car on the way to the National Aquarium, Alyson was holding up her water bottle and trying to Madelyn to get her to open it up: "More! More! Manna!?!?!?!"


Filed under random toddler conversation (see previous post from 11 December 2014):

Alyson: Oh my Josh!
Tony: Who is this Josh?
Alyson: Shew! (Shoe!)
Tony, being silly because he knew what Alyson was actually saying: He's a Jew?

Alyson: Yeah.
Tony: How did you meet him?
Alyson: Nana.

Tony: You met him at Nana's?
Alyson: Yesh!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

30 December 2014

As happens whenever she gets new shoes, after getting her new shoes this morning, Alyson refused to take them off the rest of the day because she loves her "ssshhhhooooooooss!"

Monday, December 29, 2014

29 December 2014

If you ask Alyson to say her name, she says, "Alsa!" Too much "Frozen"?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

28 December 2014

While getting her diaper changed, Alyson was being helpful and holding her feet up. She grabbed them and started clapping them together. They prompted her to clap them together while singing:

"Pat a take, pat a take!" (Patty cake, patty cake)

27 December 2014

Alyson was visiting with her baby cousin today. She was being sweet and giving him kisses. Next thing we knew, she licked the back of his head, and then did it again and laughed.

Friday, December 26, 2014

26 December 2014

While packing to go to Nana and Poppop's Alyson excitedly was trying to throw everything in her room into her bag. When we finally got her downstairs to pack up some toys:

Tony: You gonna get some toys from the playroom?
Alyson: Yyeaaahhhh-up!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

25 December 2014

While eating dinner, we were trying to get Alyson to eat a bit of her beef, which Madelyn was actually eating.

Me to Alyson: You need to eat one bite and then I don't care.
Alyson: No!
Me: You can have more sweet potatoes if you eat a piece of beef.
Alyson: Yeah....
I moved the fork toward Alyson's mouth to put the beef in her mouth.
Alyson: No!
Me: Madelyn is eating it. Don't you want to try it?
Alyson: No!
Me: What if Madelyn feeds it to you?
Alyson: Yeah....
Madelyn started to bounce up and down in her seat in excitement.
Me: Will you eat it then?
Alyson: Yeah....
I handed Madelyn the fork.
Madelyn, moving the fork toward Alyson's mouth: Open up!
Alyson opened her mouth and easily started chewing the piece of beef. 
Madelyn: Good job, Alyson!
Me: Yay!
Alyson swallowed the beef and then she pointed at the empty spot on her plate where the sweet potatoes had been: More!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

24 December 2014

During Mass, I had Alyson sitting on my lap to try to keep her a little quieter. She was playing with my fingers. I have a Bandaid on a cut on my finger. She saw the Bandaid and kissed it to make it better.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

23 December 2014

Tony went up to get Alyson from her crib when she woke up from her nap. She was standing in her crib giggling.

Tony, walking into her room: What are you giggling at?
Alyson, pointing to her ladybug that projects stars: Stars.
Tony: Your ladybug?
Alyson: Yeah, stars.
Tony: Was your ladybug telling jokes?
Alyson: Yeah! Silly!

Monday, December 22, 2014

22 December 2014


When we got downstairs this morning, Alyson was walking around the house looking for the second elf. As she looked, she kept calling, "Elfie?! Elfie?!"


At first Alyson didn't want to eat dinner tonight. She cried about having to sit down at the table. We got the girls' plates on the table while Tony and I finished getting ours. Madelyn was waiting patiently to start eating. By the time I got to the table with my plate, only a few minutes, I was shocked when I looked at Alyson's. She had already eaten all of her noodles!

Me: Did you eat all of your noodles already? Where'd they go?
Alyson, pointing to her stomach: In there.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

21 December 2014

While sitting between Tony and me at Mass this morning, Alyson tried being sneaky and tried to take things out of Tony's coat pocket that was next to her leg. Tony caught her and she giggled and hid her face.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

20 December 2014

Alyson was playing with the remote control car. You push the big red button on the remote once and the car will go straight. When you push it again, the car will spin in circles. Alyson couldn't figure that out and was having problems getting the car to go. In her frustration, she held the remote by the antenna and shook it at the car to try to get it to move.

Friday, December 19, 2014

19 December 2014

We had one of Alyson's "favorites" with dinner tonight: broccoli. She took a bite, leaned down over her plate, and tried to spit it out while saying loudly, "Bleh!"

Thursday, December 18, 2014

18 December 2014

Alyson was playing with the Barbie and bakery that Madelyn got for her birthday. The wanted the doll to take a seat and eat: "Sheet! Sheet! SHEET! Eat! Eat!"

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

17 December 2014

While I was talking to Mom before leaving this afternoon, Alyson walked into view and it struck me that she does look a lot like my mom.

Me to Alyson: You know, Alyson, you really do look like your grandma.
Alyson stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry at us. Then, she laughed.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

16 December 2014

When we went up for bed, Alyson pulled her Elmo out of her crib through the slats. She tried to get her pillow the same way, but couldn't pull it through.

Me: You can do it. You've done it before.

Alyson moved over to the edge of the pillow instead of the middle where she was trying to pull and was able to get it out.

Alyson, excitedly: Did it!

She then took her Elmo and the pillow into the hall, put them in the middle of the floor, and laid there cuddling Elmo.

Monday, December 15, 2014

15 December 2014

Alyson is ready with an answer to everything.

Madelyn, eating her sweet potato: Are sweet potatoes healthy?
Alyson, quite quickly: Nnnooooooo....

Sunday, December 14, 2014

14 December 2014

We have hit the "mine" stage of being a toddler. All day, Alyson declared everything she saw as "mine". She even laid down on the ottoman, wrapped her arms around it as best she could, and yelled, "Mine!"

Saturday, December 13, 2014

13 December 2014

On our way to Terry's this morning, Alyson must have thought we were going to Grandma's.

Alyson: Mama?!?!
Me: What?
Alyson: Ganma?
Me: You're not going to see Grandma today. You'll see Grandma in two days.
Alyson: Awwww....

Friday, December 12, 2014

12 December 2014

This morning, Madelyn and Alyson were hiding between our dressers while I was getting dressed. I knew where they were, but was pretending that I didn't see them. 

Alyson, loudly: Let it go!!!!
Madelyn: Alyson, sssshhhhhh.... We're hiding.
Alyson, stage whispering: Let it go....

And a little later, while they were still "hiding":

Madelyn, pointing to the owl on Alyson's sweater: Alyson, what's that?
Alyson: Ow-el!
Me: Alyson, what sound does an owl make?
Alyson: Ribbit!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

11 December 2014

Alyson was walking around the house trying to find the little elf that was hiding. She walked past it's hiding place in the DVD cabinet multiple times. When she finally saw it, she laughed, covered her mouth, pointed at it, and yelled, "Oh my josh!"

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

10 December 2014

Madelyn was finishing her alphabet journal page for the week. That meant that Alyson went to get her "journal" to put stickers in it. As they were working, Madelyn realized that Alyson used an entire sheet of stickers that Madelyn had just gotten from Nana and Poppop in her birthday card. She was very upset and started crying. Alyson realized that Madelyn was upset about it and started slowly peeling the stickers off of the pages of her book and handing them back to Madelyn.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

09 December 2014

Must do what sister does! We gave Madelyn a scooter for her birthday. For today only, she got to ride it in the house a little. She was on it after we got home today, but then leaned it against the ottoman to go do something. Alyson went up to the scooter while trying to get on it saying, "Ride!" She then proceeded to let it fall over (and the scooter got moved out of her reach).

Monday, December 8, 2014

08 December 2014

As I was putting Alyson down for bed, I was reminding her that her sister's birthday is tomorrow.

Me: Tomorrow you'll have to say, "Happy birthday, Madelyn!"
Alyson: Mouse?
Me: Yes, your birthday party theme is going to be Mickey Mouse, but your birthday isn't for another month.
Alyson: Par-eeee!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

07 December 2014

While the girls were finishing up their desserts:

Madelyn to me or Tony: Can I have more milk?
Alyson: Nope!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

06 December 2014

During Madelyn's birthday party, Julie was talking to Alyson.

Julie: Alyson, your "yeah" is the best ever.
Alyson: Yeah.

Friday, December 5, 2014

05 December 2014

We have two elves and a reindeer that hide around the house and create a little bit of funny mischief like Elf on a Shelf, but without any of the other rules. It's a bit of silliness for the girls. When we got home today, the girls walked into the house to find that the elves and reindeer had created a sledding hill out of the couch pillows and were using Alyson's slippers as sleds. Alyson laughed when she saw them, but then her laughter quickly turned into a questioning sound of "What?!?!" She ran over to them, yelled "Out!", and grabbed them to quickly pull them out of her slippers. She then took her shoes off and put her slippers on.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

04 December 2014

Over the last few days, Madelyn has stared saying, "Oh, gosh!" quiet frequently. Today, Alyson the parrot started saying, "Oh, josh!" I think we need to figure out who Josh is and have a talk with him and his parents. ;-)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

03 December 2014

While Madelyn and Alyson had their "baby" sleeping in the playroom, Alyson kept walking around to everyone putting her finger to her mouth and stage whispering, "Shhh.... Baby! Baby!"

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

02 December 2014

Madelyn, frantically running back to the bathroom: I have to go potty!
Alyson, running after her, panting: In there! In there!

Alyson came out to get me in the kitchen because she insisted on sitting on her potty as well. Nope, she didn't do anything, but she tried. I think she had gone very recently, though, because her diaper was very wet. (Soon, but I kind of wish she wasn't acting ready to potty train right before the holidays when schedules will be crazy!)

Monday, December 1, 2014

01 December 2014

I was standing just inside the bathroom door getting Madelyn to brush her teeth. Tony came in with Alyson to brush Alyson's teeth and had to squeeze in past me to get into the room. As they went behind me, Alyson reached out, poked me, and said, "BOOP!"

Sunday, November 30, 2014

30 November 2014

I was putting together the favors for Madelyn's birthday party at the dining room table while Alyson was eating her lunch. As I was putting the stickers in, she pointed to the stickers, and then pointed to her forehead while saying "Eh!" to indicate that the stickers were to go on her forehead.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

29 November 2014

While putting the ornaments on the Christmas tree today, Alyson insisted that all of the ornaments go on one branch. If there wasn't another ornament ready for her to hang when she was done with one, she would yell, "More!" and try to get to the box.

Friday, November 28, 2014

28 November 2014

On the ride home this evening, the girls were telling knock-knock jokes to each other.

Alyson: Din din!
Madelyn: Who's there?
Alyson: Apple.
Madelyn: Apple who?
Alyson: APPLE!

This went on and on, over and over. Five minutes later:

Alyson: Din din. (no one answered) Din din!
Tony: Who's there, Aly-boo?
Alyson, completely in shock at who answered her: WHAT?!?!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

27 November 2014

As we were finishing up our Thanksgiving dinner:

Mom: Do we want to have dessert now or wait?
Alyson, with a mouthful of food from dinner: Wait!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

26 November 2014

Before bed, I was telling Alyson the plan for tomorrow.

Me: We'll get up and get dressed and have breakfast. And then we'll watch the parade and go over to Grandma's before Santa comes on at the end of the parade....
Alyson: GG!
Me: Yes, you'll see GG. Then, you'll have lunch and take a nap.
Alyson, turning around and pointing to her crib: There.
Me: No, you'll take a nap in your crib at Grandma's.
Alyson: Oh.
Me: And then, we'll have Thanksgiving dinner after your nap. We'll have turkey...
Alyson, clapping and excitedly bouncing up and down in my lap: Yay!
Me: And stuffing and sweet potatoes and corn and mashed potatoes...
Alyson continued acting excited about the food.
Me: And gravy and cranberry sauce....
Alyson: Yay!
Me: And for dessert...
Alyson stopped clapping and looked at me in anticipation since I said "dessert".
Me: We'll have pumpkin pie!
Alyson: Mmmmmm.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

25 November 2014

Alyson was playing the Peek-A-Boo Halloween game on the old iPhone while Tony and I were fixing dinner. She was repeating everything the kids on the app announced were behind the door. Following the announcement for the werewolf, she yelled out happily, "Weh-woof!"

Monday, November 24, 2014

24 November 2014

With every book Tony finished reading her tonight before bed, Alyson waved to the book and told it "Buh bye!"

Sunday, November 23, 2014

23 November 2014


Alyson was quite talkative on our walk before dinner.

Alyson, while hearing some dogs barking: Walk woof dinner!
Tony: We're on a walk and the dogs want dinner?
Alyson: Yeah.

And later:

Tony: Do you see that airplane?
Alyson, looking up and pointing: Right there!
Tony: Yup.
Alyson, cupping her hand around her mouth and yelling up to the plane: Hi there!


After we got home from visiting Santa:

Me: Alyson, did you like seeing Santa?
Alyson: Yeah....

No, she did not. She screamed bloody murder and wanted nothing to do with the bearded man.


After Alyson had been in bed for a while, and I thought she was asleep, Tony opened the front door to check the weather before going for a run. Alyson's bedroom is right above the living room with the front door. Over the monitor, I heard, "Buh bye!"

Saturday, November 22, 2014

22 November 2014

This morning, talking about visiting Santa tomorrow:

Me: What are you going to ask Santa to bring you for Christmas?
Alyson: Apple!

Friday, November 21, 2014

21 November 2014

We were walking back to the car after dinner and a quick stop into Carter's, and as we passed each parked car, Alyson pointed to the cars and yelled, "Parked!"

Thursday, November 20, 2014

20 November 2014

While we were cuddling in the rocking chair before bed tonight, I asked Alyson to give me a hug. She then discovered that she could reach around me and hold onto the back of the rocking chair with both hands and "trap" me to the chair.

Alyson grabbed onto the chair.
Me: I'm trapped!
Alyson let go.
Me, acting excited and shaking my shoulders back and forth: Wiggle!
Alyson giggled hysterically and gabbed the chair again.
Me: I'm trapped!
Alyson let go.
Me, acting excited and shaking my shoulders back and forth: Wiggle!
Alyson giggled hysterically and gabbed the chair again.
Me: I'm trapped!
Alyson let go.
Me, acting excited and shaking my shoulders back and forth: Wiggle!
Alyson giggled hysterically and gabbed the chair again.

And repeat again and again and again.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

19 November 2014

Alyson was looking at "Where's Spot?" by Eric Hill. As she was flipping through the book, she would lift of the flaps and "read" out "nnnnoooooo!!!!".

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

18 November 2014

While Tony was reading her "The Foot Book" by Dr. Seuss:

Tony, reading: In the house and on the street, how many different feet you meet.
Alyson: Two!

Monday, November 17, 2014

17 November 2014

When Tony finished reading "The Very Busy Spider" by Eric Carle to Alyson before bed tonight (the book is printed so that you can feel the web the spider weaves):

Tony: Alyson, can you touch the spider web?
Alyson: Yes.
Alyson bent down and kissed the spider web on the page.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

16 November 2014

We were trying to get Alyson to say Madelyn's name today. She insisted that her sister's name is "Nam-elf-oon".

Saturday, November 15, 2014

15 November 2014

Madelyn was singing the "I like to eat apples and bananas" vowel changing song in the car. Alyson joined in singing, "Ut upple upple!"

Friday, November 14, 2014

14 November 2014

Me: Alyson, do you want to go out to eat?
Alyson, putting her hands in the air in pure excitement: EAT!
Me: Okay, we need to go upstairs and change your diaper so that we can go.
Alyson, as she started running toward the stairs: Me! Dipe!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

13 November 2014

During dinner, Madelyn was trying to tell us knock knock jokes as usual.

Madelyn: Knock knock.
Tony and I didn't answer her.
Alyson: Apple!
Madelyn: Knock knock.
We still didn't answer.
Alyson, trying to help her sister: Din din! Apple!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

12 November 2014

Alyson ate every bit of her dinner tonight to the point of trying to pick every last bit of sauce and cheese off her plate with her fingers while repeatedly asking, "Mohr? Mohr?"

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11 November 2014

With her lunch, Alyson had half of an apple. That wasn't enough. When she saw that her daddy was eating an apple, she got excited:

"Apple apple apple apple!!!!"

Monday, November 10, 2014

10 November 2014

While fixing my lunch after Alyson was already eating hers, she saw me get some leftover chicken to put on my salad. She wanted some, so I gave it to her. That wasn't enough, though. She kept pointing to her plate and the chicken and yelling "Dipt!" at me because she wanted barbecue sauce as well.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

09 November 2014

After picking the girls up from Mom and Dad's (Thanks again!), we were just leaving their neighborhood when Alyson asked:

"Mama, Jarbahk?"

No, we were not going to Starbucks.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

08 November 2014

Alyson kept asking "what?" or "why?" in response to everything Madelyn said. Madelyn got fed up and complained to us:
Madelyn: Alyson keeps saying the same thing over and over!
Tony: Pot, meet kettle.
Madelyn: What?!
Me: It means that you do the same thing.
Madelyn, to Alyson: Pot me kettle!
Alyson: Whah?
Over and over like this:

Friday, November 7, 2014

07 November 2014

After dinner Tony had Alyson help him empty the dishwasher. She was taking the items out of the dishwasher and handing them to him to put away. Tony wasn't fast enough for her, though, because she started screaming "More!" at him and trying to hand him stuff faster than he could put them away.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

06 November 2014

Alyson was singing the Alphabet Song to herself, so I started prompting her:

Me: Say "A".
Alyson: A.
Me: B.
Alyson: B.
Me: C.
Alyson: E.
Me: D.
Alyson: E
Me: E.
Alyson: Elmo.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

05 November 2014

After Alyson's pajama shorts fell into the empty, clean diaper pail:

Alyson: Oh, no!
Me: Say "oops".
Alyson: Oop.
Tony: Say "oopsie".
Alyson: Uh oh!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

04 November 2014

While getting ready for bed, Alyson heard Madelyn being loud from her room.

Alyson, pointing toward Madelyn's room: Eh?
Tony: Yes, sister is being silly.
Alyson, pointing to herself: Me!
Tony: You're silly, too?
Alyson: Yyyeeesssss!

Monday, November 3, 2014

03 November 2014

An example of how Madelyn and Alyson interact with each other quite often:

Madelyn: Knock, knock.
Alyson: Ding, ding.
Madelyn: Raspberry.
Alyson: Oh.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

02 November 2014

Frozen on Ice started out with Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters on the ice essentially introducing the show. After they all left the ice, Alyson was concerned:

"Mao? Mao? Where's Mao?"
(Mao = Mouse and is generally used for Mickey and Minnie)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

01 November 2014

Alyson was walking around in circles through the house today on her tip toes while saying quietly to herself, "Dip doe, dip doe."

Friday, October 31, 2014

31 October 2014

While holding Alyson after she got scared of the Halloween decorations in our yard when we got home today:

Me: Are you going to be clingy out trick or treating?
Alyson: Um, yeah.

(For the record, she really was not. She was awesome and wanted to keep up with the big girls. She only wanted to be held as we walked up to a few houses that must have made her a little nervous.)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

30 October 2014

While sitting at the dining room table coloring with Grandpa today, Grandpa started putting the crayons away. Alyson yelled at him, "No, don't do that!" Apparently, she wasn't ready to put away the crayons, and she let her grandpa know.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

29 October 2014

While trying to get her to say "I love you" to Tony before bed:

Me: Say "I".
Alyson: I.
Me: Love.
Alyson: I.
Me: You.
Alyson, pointing to herself: Me.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

28 October 2014


After the gazillionth time that Alyson pulled open one of the two pots and pans drawers right in my way while I was fixing dinner:

Me: You are dangerous.
Alyson: Yeah.


While cuddling before bed:

Me: Can you say "Alyson"?
Alyson: Ahyee.
Me: Alyson.
Me: Are you "Aly-boo"?
Alyson: Yeah. Boo!

(I call her "Aly-boo".)

Monday, October 27, 2014

27 October 2014

After they came in from playing outside, Alyson pointed to the refrigerator and said, "Mill?" When I didn't get her milk immediately when she asked, she went over and tried to open the refrigerator herself.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

26 October 2014


This morning after Alyson got up and Auntie Julie was there to watch her and her sister:

Alyson: Mama?
Julie: She's running a race.
Alyson: Oh, okay. Daddy?
Julie: He's also running a race.
Alyson: Oh, okay.

And then she was perfectly fine without us there.


While Tony was reading her a story with Oscar the Grouch, Alyson would point to Oscar and yell, "Ribbit!"

Saturday, October 25, 2014

25 October 2014

We must tell Madelyn to eat her dinner a little too much. In the middle of dinner, Alyson looked over to Madelyn, pointed to Madelyn's plate, and said very sternly, "Eat!"

Friday, October 24, 2014

24 October 2014

On the way to the park, Alyson fell and reopened a scrape on the back of her hand. It wasn't too bad so I didn't worry about it, but when we got home I cleaned it up and put a bandaid on it. After that she would randomly point to it and tell whoever was around:

"Band! Mama band!"

Thursday, October 23, 2014

23 October 2014

Alyson and Madelyn got Beanie Baby ghosts today from a woman at their G.G.'s hairdresser. On the way home, Alyson was pretending to feed her ghost a blue Megablock. As she tried pushing the block into the ghost's mouth she said, "Eat! Eat! Yum!"

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

22 October 2014

We went for a quick walk after dinner. As we were passing our neighbor's house and almost home, Alyson pointed to our house and yelled, "Ohm!" ("Home!")

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

21 October 2014


While I was fixing grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner, Tony took Alyson upstairs to change her diaper. I put away everything that I had out for the sandwiches while they were upstairs. When they got back downstairs, Tony brought Alyson over to see what I was doing. Alyson noticed that the cheese was gone:

"Uh oh! Cheese!"


After Alyson was finished eating dinner, she was playing around with her socks while still sitting at the table. She took her sock off and was holding it up yelling, "Yock! Yock! Yock!" She was saying, "Sock! Sock! Sock!" but it was definitely closer to "Yak! Yak! Yak!"

Monday, October 20, 2014

20 October 2014


Alyson saw these shorts that she uses for naps at Grandma and Grandpa's after her nap and insisted on wearing them. Quite the silly fashion statement from the silly girl.


During story time, which of course included her current favorite book, "Little Owl's Night" by Divya Srinivasan, Alyson stated that a cricket goes "Dirp, dirp!"

Sunday, October 19, 2014

19 October 2014

Strong willed little child was being a handful at Mass this morning. She didn't want to be held, but she also didn't want to sit. I got a pretty good arm workout. She wasn't talking to much, but at one point, I guess she decided things were too quiet and busted out singing, luckily for only these three words, "De dih doh!" (Let it go!) Tony and I couldn't help but laugh.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

18 October 2014

We decided to go for a treat and get Sweet Frog after dinner. As soon as we got there and Alyson could see the frog on the sign outside: "Ribbih!" (Ribbit!)

Randomly while we were there: "Ribbih! Ribbih! Ribbih!"

As we were leaving and for a few minutes in the car after: "Ribbih! Ribbih! Ribbih!"

Friday, October 17, 2014

17 October 2014

Alyson seemed very confused that I was home today and Tony wasn't.

Alyson, repeatedly: Daddy?!
Me: Daddy's at work.
Alyson: Why?
Me: Because he had to go to work today. You can spend all day tomorrow with Daddy. How does that sound?
Alyson: Gooh! (Good!)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

15 October 2014

Madelyn often sings "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark" by Fall Out Boy after hearing it. She never gets the words right. Today, Alyson decided to sing along as well.

Madelyn: Let 'em oh ho ho. Let 'um oh ho ho. Let 'em oh ho ho. Fire!
Alyson: Ah hoooooo!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

14 October 2014

Alyson insisted on being held today while I was fixing dinner. While I was holding her, she was singing to herself.

Me: What are you singing?
Alyson: Dohno. (Don't know.)

Monday, October 13, 2014

13 October 2014

Alyson came out from the playroom wearing a purple necklace and holding a blue necklace.

Alyson: Eh?

Tony put the necklace on her.

Alyson: No! (taking the necklace off and handing it to Tony again) Daddy!

(Alyson wanted Daddy to put the necklace on himself.)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

12 October 2014

While Alyson was playing on our bed this morning before we all got up:

Tony: Are you excited for swimming glass today?
Alyson: Yeah!
Tony: Are you excited to play with toys in the water?
Alyson: Yeah!
Tony: Are you excited to jump in the water to Mommy?
Alyson: Yeah!
Me: What do we say to jump into the water? Do we say "One, two, three, go!"
Alyson dove from where she was sitting on the bed into the sheets next to her to show how to jump into the water.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

11 October 2014

While on our walk after dinner:

Alyson, pointing to a squirrel: Rabba! (Rabbit!)
Tony: Squirrel.
Alyson: Oh. (Waving the squirrel.) Hi!

Friday, October 10, 2014

10 October 2014


While getting dressed this morning, Alyson accidentally hit her hand on the wall.

Alyson, looking at her hand: Owwww....
She then kissed her hand and smiled.
Me: Is it all better?
Alyson: Yeah.


While Tony was reading "Little Owl's Night" by Divya Srinivasan to Alyson before bed, on every page she pointed to the owl and yelled "Owl!" She would also point to every animal to identify it or ask what it was. For example, on a page with the owl, a hedgehog, a skunk, and snails:

Alyson, pointing to the owl: Owl! (Pointing to the hedgehog.) Eh?
Tony: Hedgehog.
Alyson, pointing to the owl: Owl! (Pointing to the skunk.) Eh?
Tony: Skunk.
Alyson, pointing to the owl: Owl! (Pointing to the snails.) Eh?
Tony: Snails.
Alyson, pointing to the owl: Owl!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

09 October 2014

We had spaghetti for dinner tonight. Alyson insisted on trying to twirl her cut up spaghetti on her fork. She would hold the fork with both hands straight up on the plate and turn it round and round using both hands. Eventually, she would give up and try to give me her fork while asking, "El?" (Help?)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

08 October 2014

Alyson, Madelyn, and I were outside playing catch after we got home. Alyson doesn't understand catching yet.

Me: Alyson, put your hands out.
Alyson put her hand up above her head.
Me, putting my hands out: No, like this, not above your head.
She kept her hands above her head.
Me, holding the ball between my legs and moving her hands into position: Here, like this.
I let go of her hands and she put them back above her head.
Madelyn, putting her hands out: No, Alyson, like this.

Alyson still put her hands above her head. Madelyn and I both gave up for that turn and I just tossed the ball to Alyson. The same thing happened pretty much every time it was Alyson's turn.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

07 October 2014

I was tracing some circles to cut out. Alyson kept pointing to the drawn circles yelling, "Bubble!"

Monday, October 6, 2014

06 October 2014

During dinner, I got some Old Bay out to add to the fish. Immediately, Alyson pointed to it and begged for some. She did that with every condiment with dinner. I think she ate more ketchup and tartar sauce from her fingers than actually with her food.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

05 October 2014

Tony rode his bike with the girls in the bike trailer to Madelyn's race today. I ran to the race and back. As they were leaving after the race, Alyson was sitting in the trailer waving out the window and yelling "Bye bye!" to everyone.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

04 October 2014

At dinner today at Silver Diner, we got Alyson the Chicken Pizza Quesadilla on the kids menu. She ate all of her strawberries that come with it and didn't touch the quesadilla. I was trying to get her to at least try it because I thought she would eat it.

Me: It's cheesy and tastes like pizza. 
Alyson, pointing to the tortilla part: Cracker?
Me: Yeah, it's kind of like a cracker.
Alyson: Cracker!

She then tasted it and happily ate at least half of it while calling it a cracker. Whatever works.

Friday, October 3, 2014

03 October 2014

While fixing dinner, Alyson wanted me to pick her up.

Alyson, reaching up: Up!
Me: Up what?
Alyson: Dow. (Down.)
Me: Up, please.
Alyson: Up!
Me: Please.
Alyson: Dow.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

02 October 2014

When Tony was leaving Alyson's room before bed so that I could nurse her:

Me to Alyson: Blow Daddy a kiss.
Alyson: Burp!
Me: Alyson, blow Daddy a kiss.
Alyson: Burp!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

01 October 2014

While on our walk after dinner this evening, Madelyn kept trying to be the leader as usual. She kept stopping to pick up leave and other things on the way, though, and we kept passing her. She would then yell at us and run around us. Alyson had something to say about it.

Madelyn: Guys! I'm supposed to be the leader!
Me/Tony: What makes you the leader?
Madelyn: Because I'm the biggest kid, so I get to be the leader.
Me, teasing: No. I think I'm a bigger kid.
Tony: Yeah, you aren't the biggest kid.
Madelyn: Yes, I am the biggest kid.
Alyson: No!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

30 September 2014

When getting cleaned up after dinner:

Tony: Alyson, are you done?
Alyson: Yeah.
Tony moved the plate away to start cleaning her up.
Alyson: No!
Tony moved the plate back to Alyson.
Alyson, as she pushed the plate away herself: Aw dun! (All done!)

Monday, September 29, 2014

29 September 2014

During dinner, Madelyn was chewing noisily with her mouth open. We were trying to get her to stop.

Me: Madelyn, don't chew with your mouth open.
Alyson: Why?
Me: Because she sounds like a cow. She's not a cow, is she?
Alyson: Moo!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

28 September 2014

While Tony was getting Alyson into her pajamas after her bath:

Alyson: Righ dare! (Right there!)
Tony: What's "right there"?
Alyson: Righ dare!
Tony: What's "right there"? Your pajamas?
Alyson: Yeah.
Tony: I have to finish putting your diaper on first and then we'll put your pajamas on.
Alyson: Oh.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

27 September 2014

Tony was standing near the doorway from the living room into the hallway. Alyson wanted to go back to the playroom. She walked toward the hallway, got to her daddy, and said, "Beep beep!"

Friday, September 26, 2014

26 September 2014

Alyson gets really fussy and clingy if she realizes that I'm fixing dinner and she's hungry. Today was one of those days, so she was on my back in the Ergo while I was fixing dinner. As soon as Tony got home, she must have realized that dinner would be soon. 

Alyson to her daddy: Dow! (Down!)

Tony helped me get her down out of the Ergo. Once she was down, she walked right over to her chair.

Alyson pointing to her chair: Eh?
Tony: Are you ready to eat?
Alyson: Yeah!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

25 September 2014

Alyson is an odd child. She has gotten stuffy thanks to Madelyn's cold. Before bed tonight, she blew her nose (yay for a 20-month-old who has been blowing her nose since she was about 12 months old!) and I sprayed saline up each nostril. Most kids would cry and try to keep me from doing this. Not Alyson. After I sprayed the saline in her nose and she blew her nose again, she pointed to the bottle and asked, "More?"

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

24 September 2014

Since she was a few months old, I have "munched" on Alyson's baby toes when Tony carries her from the bathroom to her room after a bath. Alyson has come to expect it and gets mad if it doesn't happen. After tonight's bath:

Me, as Tony brings Alyson to me: Baby toes!
I grabbed her feet and pretended to bite/kiss them while making chomping/eating noises.
Alyson, giggling: Om nom nom!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

23 September 2014

When I came to pick the girls up after work, Alyson was very excited to see me. She was at the table working on a picture with stickers. I was trying to look at Madelyn's Alphabet Journal for school.

Alyson: Mama.
I glanced up but kept looking at Madelyn's journal.
Alyson: Mama!
Me: Just a second, Alyson.
Alyson, turning the picture toward me so that I could see it: MAMA!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

22 September 2014

As we were finishing up dinner, Alyson let out a huge burp.

Alyson: Burr! (Burp!)
Me: Say "excuse me".
Alyson: Dah-mo.
Alyson fake burped repeatedly: Ehhh! Burr! Ehhh! Burr! Ehhh! BURR!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

21 September 2014

(Both of today's Alysonisms are good examples of things she has been doing a lot lately.)


Alyson handed me a little tiara hair home she had been playing with, walked into the living room on her way to the playroom, and waved at her daddy as she went past saying "Bye!"


A couple with a baby sat directly in front of us in Mass. Alyson pointed and yelled, "Baby!" at the top of her lungs over and over. It took me forever to distract her and quiet her down. I hope the other people in church thought it was cute and not completely annoying. (She had a loud day in Mass. Sigh.)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

20 September 2014

Alyson has started more consistently nodding and shaking her head to answer questions. When she nods, it looks like she's slowly headbanging. When she shakes her head she turns her entire body from the waist up. It's all very exaggerated and silly.

Friday, September 19, 2014

19 September 2014

Getting a straight answer out of Alyson can be quite challenging sometimes. She'll go back and forth between yes and no. After one of those times:

Me: Alyson, are you indecisive?
Alyson: Yeah.
Tony: The more appropriate answer to that is "I don't know."
Alyson laughed.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

18 September 2014

An example of a typical conversation with Alyson lately:

Alyson wanted her tomato soup and was reaching for it.
Me: Wait, Alyson, it's too hot.
Alyson: Why?
Me: I had to heat it up.
Alyson: Why?
Me: I had to cook it.
Alyson: Why?
Me: So that we could eat it.
Alyson: Why?
Me: Because it's yummy.
Alyson: Oh.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

17 September 2014

When Alyson was cleaned up after dinner, I was trying to get her to "jump" into my arms from her booster like we do in swim class.

Me, as Alyson jumped into my arms: Splash! Alyson, can you say "splash"?
Alyson: Pssshhhhhh!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

16 September 2014

While on our walk after dinner, Alyson was being silly. I took advantage of it:

Me, lifting up my knees to march: Alyson! March!

Alyson started copying what I was doing and lifted up her knees to march.

Alyson: Mar! Mar! Mar!

Monday, September 15, 2014

15 September 2014

Before dinner, Alyson was standing on the stool in the kitchen at the counter. She was hungry and the bowl of clean cherry tomatoes from the garden was within reach. She tried to sneak one.

Me: No more, Alyson. Dinner is almost ready. I'll put some on your plate.

She tried to sneak another tomato.

Tony: Alyson, no more. Mommy said she'll give you some with dinner.

She tried to sneak another and the bowl got moved away a bit. Hysterical crying ensued. And, yes, she got more tomatoes with dinner and ate all of them.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

14 September 2014

One of her first completely constructed on her own (not copying what she may have heard from someone else) sentences:

"Mama! ... Mama! ... Mama!! ... I wah aye! (I want ice!)"

Saturday, September 13, 2014

13 September 2014

As part of tonight's story time, Tony ready "The Pigeon Has Feelings Too" to Alyson. For the part when the pigeon is sad, Tony made a sad face and whimpered/fake cried about the pigeon being sad. Alyson had to comfort her sad daddy and turned to him and gave him a kiss.

Friday, September 12, 2014

12 September 2014

Grandma was getting Alyson to change her diaper and put her down for a nap:

Grandma, moving like she was going to start chasing and grab Alyson: I'm gonna get you....

Alyson ran off and hid behind a chair and tried to be quiet.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

11 September 2014

While at dinner, Alyson had finished eating and was playing with the Mardi Gras necklace she had brought. She dropped it so that it went under her high chair, but she could still see it.

Alyson: Uh oh!
Me: Uh oh! Where did it go?
Alyson, pointing down: Uh oh!
Me: How are you going to get it?

Our server was watching and snuck in to pull it away from behind Alyson. He then quietly put it on the table next to Alyson. She looked down and didn't see it anymore.

Alyson, confused: Uh oh!
Me: Where did it go?

Alyson kept looking down and around. Finally, she looked over far enough and saw the necklace on the table. She grabbed it and was ecstatic. Of course, since she didn't understand how it got there, she dropped it again to repeat the whole process. And yes, our server continued to play along.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

10 September 2014

The stubborn streak continues:

Grandma, trying to get Alyson to say it back: I love you.
Alyson: Nnnnooooo!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

09 September 2014

Madelyn hung the leash from her Build-A-Bear Twighlight Sparkle from Alyson's chair to a handle of a drawer in the kitchen. She was then trying to limbo under it. Alyson walked under the leash while barely bending down and exclaimed, "Did dit!"

Monday, September 8, 2014

08 September 2014

We had corn tonight with dinner. Alyson was done eating and was playing around in her chair a bit before getting cleaned up. Suddenly, she noticed a corn kernel stuck to the outside of her arm about midway between her wrist and elbow, maybe a bit closer to her elbow. She whipped her arm around and quickly reached down with her mouth to try to get the corn. It was such a sudden movement, it was like an animal pouncing on its prey. Unfortunately for her, the piece of corn ended up on her bib, not in her mouth, and she had trouble finding it again.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

07 September 2014

Today's Alysonism isn't really a specific thing she said or did. It's been happening all day and weekend. If she sees anything out of the ordinary, such as her pile of clean clothes outside of her door in the hall, her sister's clean clothes in the hall, the wet bathing suits hanging on the shower curtain rod in their bathroom, the toddler potty we got out to get her used to its presence, the doll baby that she stripped of clothing and left in the car, etc, etc, etc, she busts out giggling as she points to whatever it is. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

06 September 2014

Alyson came rushing out of the playroom into the living room with something important to tell me.

Alyson: Mama?
Me: What?
Alyson: Mama?
Me: What, Alyson?
Alyson, pointing to the playroom: Aaeeehhhh!!
Me: What?
Alyson, again pointing: Aaeeehhhh!!
Me: I'm sorry, but I don't understand "Aaeeehhhh".
Alyson: Oh.

She turned and ran back to the playroom.

Friday, September 5, 2014

05 September 2014

The girls were at the door waving to me as I left them with Grandma this morning. After I left, Grandma told them to shut the door. Madelyn started to shut it, and Alyson got mad and cried because she wanted to help. Grandma told her to go over and help push the door. Alyson pushed really hard and grunted the whole time. When they finally closed the door, Alyson turned around and was all proud of herself.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

04 September 2014

After reading a book with the characters eating popsicles:

Tony: Can you say popsicle?
Alyson: Bow.
Tony: Can you say popsicle?
Alyson: Yeah.
Tony: Say popsicle.
Alyson: No.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

03 September 2014

Alyson was in full blown toddler "no" mode this evening. When we were cuddling before bed, I was getting a lot of it:

Me: Can I have a kiss?
Alyson: No.
Me: How about a hug?
Alyson: No.
Me: Okay, then can I get a squeeze?
Alyson: No.
Me: Are you ready for bed?
Alyson: No.
Me, knowing the answer was yes: Are you sleepy?
Alyson: No.
Me, expecting a "no" in response: Is your favorite answer "no"?
Alyson: Yeah.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

02 September 2014

Madelyn was being a bit nuts before bed from a combination of being overtired and the cold she is denying that she has (just in time for school). As Tony was sitting down with Alyson to read her her bedtime stories:

Tony: Crazy sister.
Alyson: Yeah....

Monday, September 1, 2014

01 September 2014

We were trying to get Alyson to say everyone's names after dinner. As we went around the table, everyone seemed to be "Mama" or "Gee Gee".

Grandma: Can you say "grandma"?
Alyson: Yeah.

She wouldn't actually say it, but we do know she can.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

31 August 2014

While in the car:
Alyson: Mama?
Me: Alyson?
Alyson: Hi dair!
Me: Hi there.
Alyson: Mama?
Me: Alyson?
Alyson: Hi dair!
Me: Hi there.

30 August 2014

Every time she got her hands covered in sand, Alyson would show them to me and try to shake the sand off while yelling:


29 August 2014

During dinner, Madelyn kept trying to get a fly to go away by yelling "shoo" at it. 
Alyson: Mama?
Me: Yeah?
Alyson: Shoo!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

28 August 2014

Things Alyson did to "help" while we were packing up clothes for going away this weekend:

1) Tried putting her pajama shirt and then her Elmo rattle toy into a small Planet Wise wetbag. She gave up and left everything on the floor.
2) Tried taking everything I had already packed in her bag out to hand to me so that I could put it away.
3) Disappeared for a few minutes and came back with some of my underwear and a shirt from the clean clothes that were still in a laundry basket in our room. She tried to pack them in her bag.
4) Put a pair of Madelyn's shorts in Madelyn's underwear/sock drawer for her.
5) Wanted to take her sandals downstairs, but couldn't because the gate at the top of the stairs was closed. Instead, she tried dropping them over the gate and down the stairs.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

27 August 2014

We've been trying to get Alyson to say "I love you" and have a long way to go. It often sounds like "I dunoo." She's really close to signing it, though.

As Tony was saying good night to her:

Tony: Alyson, I love you!
Alyson: I......dddooont.
Tony: You don't love me?
Alyson: Yeah.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

26 August 2014

This morning before I left Mom's, Alyson was being clingy and giving me lots of hugs while sucking her thumb.

Mom: What's in your mouth?
Alyson, taking her thumb out of her mouth long enough to answer: Dum. (Thumb.)
Mom: Can I have a taste?
Alyson walked over to her grandma while holding her thumb out for her.

Monday, August 25, 2014

25 August 2014

Tony and I were trying some Buffalo wings that our neighbor brought back from "the best Buffalo wing place in Buffalo, NY". Alyson walked into the kitchen and expressed her desire to have some.

Me: But they're spicy.
Alyson, reaching: Eh!
Me, giving her a small piece: Okay, here you go.
Alyson, after eating the piece: Haaaa.... (Hot.)
Me: Told you.
Alyson: Muhr? (More?)

She then finished most of the wing I was eating.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

24 August 2014

We have a grape vine in our yard (concord grapes with seeds). When the girls were out playing this afternoon, Alyson picked up a few grapes from the ground and tried to eat one, but spat it out and gave me the insides and skin. I told her not the eat the grapes. A little while later she did the same thing with another grape. I took the remaining grapes out of her hand and threw them away. She stared crying, but I continued pulling weeds and dead plants. Tony came over to see what was going on. After I explained it to him:

Tony to Alyson: Is Mommy being mean to you?
Alyson, crying: Yeah!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

23 August 2014

When Madelyn was panicking and crying about "The Little Mermaid", Alyson walked over with her arms out trying to hug and comfort her big sister. She was genuinely concerned and didn't want to see her sister so upset. The hug did help. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

22 August 2014

This. Eating Ranch dressing with her fork at Buffalo Wild Wings (and mostly refusing to eat her chicken).

Thursday, August 21, 2014

21 August 2014

After dinner, Alyson and Madelyn were putting on a fashion show. They were all decked out in their sunglasses, necklaces, and bracelets. Their runway was the circle around the center wall of our house that goes through the kitchen. Tony was in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes from dinner. Every time Alyson walked past him, she would give a huge cheeky grin like "hey, look at me!"

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

20 August 2014

Alyson was leading the way up the stairs to take a bath before bed. About half way up the stairs, she turned around and sat down.

Me: What's wrong? Are you too tired to keep going up the stairs?
Alyson, looking up at me: No!

She then turned back around and continued up the stairs.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

19 August 2014

Today, just as Alyson was coming down the hall into the living room after getting her diaper changed after her nap, Madelyn was coming up the stairs.

Madelyn, at the top of the stairs: Grandma, come open the gate!
Mom: Okay, let me get off the couch.

Alyson went over to her grandma and put her hand out for her. She "helped" her grandma get up from the couch. Then, she led Grandma by the hand through the living room and dining room over to the stairs to open the gate for Madelyn.

Monday, August 18, 2014

18 August 2014

After getting dressed, Alyson was sitting on the changing table facing Tony. I was standing next to him. She pointed to me out of the blue and exclaimed:

"Da Mama!!"

Sunday, August 17, 2014

17 August 2014

Tony and I were looking at the NatureBox website to pick a few snack for our next box. Alyson was sitting next to me watching what we were doing. As I was scrolling through the pictures/list of snacks, she pointed at every single one and said, "Daa wha! (That one)" Then, she started leaning in toward the screen and making chomping sounds as she "ate" the snacks.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

16 August 2014

I was sitting on the couch looking at Facebook. Alyson decided to climb up to sit next to me and see what I was doing. Once she sat down:

Alyson, pointing to an ad with a pair of shoes: Ssshhhhhhoooo!

I continued to scroll through the New Feed and came across of video of some dogs playing in a pool.

Alyson, pointing to the video and giggling (since we already established that she laughs at all dogs): Woof woof!

Friday, August 15, 2014

15 August 2014

Someone loves playing at the park. Grandpa took Alyson and Madelyn to a park this morning that they had to drive to. When it was time to leave, Alyson was having none of that. She threw a complete and total fit and wouldn't let Grandpa buckle her into the car seat (arching her back, trying to sit up and get out). Grandpa had to walk away and let her calm herself down. Then, all was good and they were able to go on their way. Yup, this is classic toddler Alyson.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

14 August 2014

While trying to get Alyson to tell us where she put Madelyn's new dress:

Tony: Is it in the playroom?
Alyson: Yeah.
Tony: Is it in the living room?
Alyson: Yeah.
Tony: Is it in the hallway?
Alyson: Yeah.
Tony: Is it in the kitchen?
Alyson: Yeah.

In other words, we weren't going to get a straight answer from the toddler.