Friday, October 31, 2014

31 October 2014

While holding Alyson after she got scared of the Halloween decorations in our yard when we got home today:

Me: Are you going to be clingy out trick or treating?
Alyson: Um, yeah.

(For the record, she really was not. She was awesome and wanted to keep up with the big girls. She only wanted to be held as we walked up to a few houses that must have made her a little nervous.)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

30 October 2014

While sitting at the dining room table coloring with Grandpa today, Grandpa started putting the crayons away. Alyson yelled at him, "No, don't do that!" Apparently, she wasn't ready to put away the crayons, and she let her grandpa know.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

29 October 2014

While trying to get her to say "I love you" to Tony before bed:

Me: Say "I".
Alyson: I.
Me: Love.
Alyson: I.
Me: You.
Alyson, pointing to herself: Me.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

28 October 2014


After the gazillionth time that Alyson pulled open one of the two pots and pans drawers right in my way while I was fixing dinner:

Me: You are dangerous.
Alyson: Yeah.


While cuddling before bed:

Me: Can you say "Alyson"?
Alyson: Ahyee.
Me: Alyson.
Me: Are you "Aly-boo"?
Alyson: Yeah. Boo!

(I call her "Aly-boo".)

Monday, October 27, 2014

27 October 2014

After they came in from playing outside, Alyson pointed to the refrigerator and said, "Mill?" When I didn't get her milk immediately when she asked, she went over and tried to open the refrigerator herself.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

26 October 2014


This morning after Alyson got up and Auntie Julie was there to watch her and her sister:

Alyson: Mama?
Julie: She's running a race.
Alyson: Oh, okay. Daddy?
Julie: He's also running a race.
Alyson: Oh, okay.

And then she was perfectly fine without us there.


While Tony was reading her a story with Oscar the Grouch, Alyson would point to Oscar and yell, "Ribbit!"

Saturday, October 25, 2014

25 October 2014

We must tell Madelyn to eat her dinner a little too much. In the middle of dinner, Alyson looked over to Madelyn, pointed to Madelyn's plate, and said very sternly, "Eat!"

Friday, October 24, 2014

24 October 2014

On the way to the park, Alyson fell and reopened a scrape on the back of her hand. It wasn't too bad so I didn't worry about it, but when we got home I cleaned it up and put a bandaid on it. After that she would randomly point to it and tell whoever was around:

"Band! Mama band!"

Thursday, October 23, 2014

23 October 2014

Alyson and Madelyn got Beanie Baby ghosts today from a woman at their G.G.'s hairdresser. On the way home, Alyson was pretending to feed her ghost a blue Megablock. As she tried pushing the block into the ghost's mouth she said, "Eat! Eat! Yum!"

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

22 October 2014

We went for a quick walk after dinner. As we were passing our neighbor's house and almost home, Alyson pointed to our house and yelled, "Ohm!" ("Home!")

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

21 October 2014


While I was fixing grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner, Tony took Alyson upstairs to change her diaper. I put away everything that I had out for the sandwiches while they were upstairs. When they got back downstairs, Tony brought Alyson over to see what I was doing. Alyson noticed that the cheese was gone:

"Uh oh! Cheese!"


After Alyson was finished eating dinner, she was playing around with her socks while still sitting at the table. She took her sock off and was holding it up yelling, "Yock! Yock! Yock!" She was saying, "Sock! Sock! Sock!" but it was definitely closer to "Yak! Yak! Yak!"

Monday, October 20, 2014

20 October 2014


Alyson saw these shorts that she uses for naps at Grandma and Grandpa's after her nap and insisted on wearing them. Quite the silly fashion statement from the silly girl.


During story time, which of course included her current favorite book, "Little Owl's Night" by Divya Srinivasan, Alyson stated that a cricket goes "Dirp, dirp!"

Sunday, October 19, 2014

19 October 2014

Strong willed little child was being a handful at Mass this morning. She didn't want to be held, but she also didn't want to sit. I got a pretty good arm workout. She wasn't talking to much, but at one point, I guess she decided things were too quiet and busted out singing, luckily for only these three words, "De dih doh!" (Let it go!) Tony and I couldn't help but laugh.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

18 October 2014

We decided to go for a treat and get Sweet Frog after dinner. As soon as we got there and Alyson could see the frog on the sign outside: "Ribbih!" (Ribbit!)

Randomly while we were there: "Ribbih! Ribbih! Ribbih!"

As we were leaving and for a few minutes in the car after: "Ribbih! Ribbih! Ribbih!"

Friday, October 17, 2014

17 October 2014

Alyson seemed very confused that I was home today and Tony wasn't.

Alyson, repeatedly: Daddy?!
Me: Daddy's at work.
Alyson: Why?
Me: Because he had to go to work today. You can spend all day tomorrow with Daddy. How does that sound?
Alyson: Gooh! (Good!)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

15 October 2014

Madelyn often sings "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark" by Fall Out Boy after hearing it. She never gets the words right. Today, Alyson decided to sing along as well.

Madelyn: Let 'em oh ho ho. Let 'um oh ho ho. Let 'em oh ho ho. Fire!
Alyson: Ah hoooooo!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

14 October 2014

Alyson insisted on being held today while I was fixing dinner. While I was holding her, she was singing to herself.

Me: What are you singing?
Alyson: Dohno. (Don't know.)

Monday, October 13, 2014

13 October 2014

Alyson came out from the playroom wearing a purple necklace and holding a blue necklace.

Alyson: Eh?

Tony put the necklace on her.

Alyson: No! (taking the necklace off and handing it to Tony again) Daddy!

(Alyson wanted Daddy to put the necklace on himself.)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

12 October 2014

While Alyson was playing on our bed this morning before we all got up:

Tony: Are you excited for swimming glass today?
Alyson: Yeah!
Tony: Are you excited to play with toys in the water?
Alyson: Yeah!
Tony: Are you excited to jump in the water to Mommy?
Alyson: Yeah!
Me: What do we say to jump into the water? Do we say "One, two, three, go!"
Alyson dove from where she was sitting on the bed into the sheets next to her to show how to jump into the water.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

11 October 2014

While on our walk after dinner:

Alyson, pointing to a squirrel: Rabba! (Rabbit!)
Tony: Squirrel.
Alyson: Oh. (Waving the squirrel.) Hi!

Friday, October 10, 2014

10 October 2014


While getting dressed this morning, Alyson accidentally hit her hand on the wall.

Alyson, looking at her hand: Owwww....
She then kissed her hand and smiled.
Me: Is it all better?
Alyson: Yeah.


While Tony was reading "Little Owl's Night" by Divya Srinivasan to Alyson before bed, on every page she pointed to the owl and yelled "Owl!" She would also point to every animal to identify it or ask what it was. For example, on a page with the owl, a hedgehog, a skunk, and snails:

Alyson, pointing to the owl: Owl! (Pointing to the hedgehog.) Eh?
Tony: Hedgehog.
Alyson, pointing to the owl: Owl! (Pointing to the skunk.) Eh?
Tony: Skunk.
Alyson, pointing to the owl: Owl! (Pointing to the snails.) Eh?
Tony: Snails.
Alyson, pointing to the owl: Owl!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

09 October 2014

We had spaghetti for dinner tonight. Alyson insisted on trying to twirl her cut up spaghetti on her fork. She would hold the fork with both hands straight up on the plate and turn it round and round using both hands. Eventually, she would give up and try to give me her fork while asking, "El?" (Help?)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

08 October 2014

Alyson, Madelyn, and I were outside playing catch after we got home. Alyson doesn't understand catching yet.

Me: Alyson, put your hands out.
Alyson put her hand up above her head.
Me, putting my hands out: No, like this, not above your head.
She kept her hands above her head.
Me, holding the ball between my legs and moving her hands into position: Here, like this.
I let go of her hands and she put them back above her head.
Madelyn, putting her hands out: No, Alyson, like this.

Alyson still put her hands above her head. Madelyn and I both gave up for that turn and I just tossed the ball to Alyson. The same thing happened pretty much every time it was Alyson's turn.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

07 October 2014

I was tracing some circles to cut out. Alyson kept pointing to the drawn circles yelling, "Bubble!"

Monday, October 6, 2014

06 October 2014

During dinner, I got some Old Bay out to add to the fish. Immediately, Alyson pointed to it and begged for some. She did that with every condiment with dinner. I think she ate more ketchup and tartar sauce from her fingers than actually with her food.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

05 October 2014

Tony rode his bike with the girls in the bike trailer to Madelyn's race today. I ran to the race and back. As they were leaving after the race, Alyson was sitting in the trailer waving out the window and yelling "Bye bye!" to everyone.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

04 October 2014

At dinner today at Silver Diner, we got Alyson the Chicken Pizza Quesadilla on the kids menu. She ate all of her strawberries that come with it and didn't touch the quesadilla. I was trying to get her to at least try it because I thought she would eat it.

Me: It's cheesy and tastes like pizza. 
Alyson, pointing to the tortilla part: Cracker?
Me: Yeah, it's kind of like a cracker.
Alyson: Cracker!

She then tasted it and happily ate at least half of it while calling it a cracker. Whatever works.

Friday, October 3, 2014

03 October 2014

While fixing dinner, Alyson wanted me to pick her up.

Alyson, reaching up: Up!
Me: Up what?
Alyson: Dow. (Down.)
Me: Up, please.
Alyson: Up!
Me: Please.
Alyson: Dow.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

02 October 2014

When Tony was leaving Alyson's room before bed so that I could nurse her:

Me to Alyson: Blow Daddy a kiss.
Alyson: Burp!
Me: Alyson, blow Daddy a kiss.
Alyson: Burp!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

01 October 2014

While on our walk after dinner this evening, Madelyn kept trying to be the leader as usual. She kept stopping to pick up leave and other things on the way, though, and we kept passing her. She would then yell at us and run around us. Alyson had something to say about it.

Madelyn: Guys! I'm supposed to be the leader!
Me/Tony: What makes you the leader?
Madelyn: Because I'm the biggest kid, so I get to be the leader.
Me, teasing: No. I think I'm a bigger kid.
Tony: Yeah, you aren't the biggest kid.
Madelyn: Yes, I am the biggest kid.
Alyson: No!!!