Monday, February 29, 2016

29 February 2016

Alyson was enjoying wearing her superhero shirt and cape today. 

This morning while sliding around on the hardwood floor in her socks, Alyson was singing, "Ice skate, ice skate with a super cape on!"

And then, this afternoon before we left the house to get Madelyn at the bus stop, Alyson put her jacket on and asked me, "Can you zip it so my superheroes won't get cold?"

Sunday, February 28, 2016

28 February 2016

While on the way to a park, Madelyn and Alyson were playing in the backseat of the car. Alyson was blabbering on and on. Madelyn was doing the same thing and ignoring Alyson. Alyson got fed up and yelled, "Madelyn, please listen to me!"

27 February 2016

As we were driving home after doing some errands and getting dinner:
Alyson: Why is that house dark?
Me: Maybe they aren't home or they're in another room.
Alyson: Maybe they're in their playroom.

26 February 2016

As we were driving home this afternoon, the sun went behind a cloud. Alyson was a little confused and said, "I don't see the sun anymore. Maybe the sun stopped to take a break."

Thursday, February 25, 2016

25 February 2016

It's a pretty well known fact that three-year-olds are bossy. 

Today, while cleaning Alyson up after dinner:

Me: I need to wipe your nose off, too, to get the orange from a cheese curl that Grandpa missed.
Alyson: Yeah, Grandpa didn't wash my nose because he doesn't listen to me!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

24 February 2016

Before we got Alyson's shoes on her to leave Mom's, Alyson was playing around and picking up toys. She stood on one foot, lifted up her foot toward her grandma, and said sweetly, "Grandma, I have something you would really like, and it's my sock!"

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

23 February 2016

Alyson didn't take a nap again today, but had some quiet time. About fifteen minutes before she was going to be allowed to get up, she opened her bedroom door.

Alyson: Grandma, can I get up now?
Mom: Not yet. You still have fifteen minutes. Go back in and play quietly or look at a book.

Alyson: Okay.

She went back into her room and shut the door. When fifteen minutes had passed, Mom went to get her.

Mom, knocking and opening the door: You can come out now.
Alyson, looking up from her book and holding up her hand for "five": No. I'll come out in five more minutes. 
Mom: Okay.... Come out when you are ready.

Monday, February 22, 2016

22 February 2016

Alyson started running on the way to the bus stop this afternoon, which is completely normal. After a few steps, though, she reached back and tried grabbing the waistband of her pants.

Me: Are your pants falling down?
Alyson: Something feels funny in my pants! [actually reaching down the back of her pants] Oh, it was part of my panties!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

21 February 2016

The three-year-old has spoken. Today, Alyson declared, "I'm never taking a nap again!"

Saturday, February 20, 2016

20 February 2016

On the way home from visiting parks and getting dinner it was starting to get dark.

Alyson: When are we going to get home?
Me: Soon. Why?
Alyson: You know why! Because we need to go to bed!

Friday, February 19, 2016

19 February 2016

Madelyn kept singing a couple lines in a song over and over and over. Alyson was trying to sing something as well and was getting tired of Madelyn not being quiet. She frustratedly yelled at Madelyn, "Can you please be quiet?!?!"

Thursday, February 18, 2016

18 February 2016

While Tony and Alyson were cuddling in bed waiting for Madelyn and me to get home from Madelyn's basketball practice:

Alyson: Can I see where they are?
Tony pulled out his phone and opened Find My Friends: They're here, and they'll go along this road and this road to get to the blue dot here.
Alyson: Where are they now?
Tony showed her.
Alyson: Where's the blue dot?
Tony showed her.
Alyson: Where are they now?
Tony showed her.
Alyson, as we were near a park on the map: What's that green area?
Tony: A park.
Alyson, looking a little farther along on the map and seeing a larger green area: What's that one?!
Tony: A golf course.
Alyson: Where are they now?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

17 February 2016

Alyson was finishing up washing her hands in the bathroom.

Me: Once your hands are dry, you need to turn off the light.
Alyson: But, I don't want to!
Me: You need to do it. You need to practice turning this light off. Move your stool over there and turn it off.
Alyson, grumpily moving her stool to the light switch: Hrmph! I'm mad at you.
Me: For making you turn off the light?
Alyson: Yes. I don't want to do it.
Me: Well, you need to do it.

She turned the light off, put the stool away, and moped past me. And, I texted Tony while trying not to laugh at her because she's really cute when she's mad. ;-)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

16 February 2016

To keep her busy during Madelyn's piano lesson, I had Alyson upstairs with me helping me fold my laundry. Her job was to find all of my socks and pair them. She was having troubles finding a sock to match the one she had and exclaimed, "Maybe it's being sneaky and hiding from me!"

Monday, February 15, 2016

15 February 2016

Alyson was singing something that we couldn't understand.

Tony: Aly, what are you singing?
Alyson, laughing: "Shallow people," which doesn't make any sense!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

14 February 2016

Toddlers can be so literal.

Alyson: You're a fruit salad!
Me: A fruit salad?
Alyson, "munching" on my forehead: Yeah! Ew....
Me: What? You don't like fruit salad?
Alyson: I don't like salad, but I like fruit, except pineapple.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

13 February 2016

The girls were having some hot chocolate.

Madelyn, after taking a sip: Hot!
Alyson, with sass: Well, it is HOT chocolate.

Friday, February 12, 2016

12 February 2016

Classic three-year-old as I was saying good night to Alyson:

Me: Are you going to go right to sleep?
Alyson: No.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

11 February 2016

After dinner, Alyson asked me, "Mommy, can you clean me up because I love you?"

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

10 February 2016

While I was giving Alyson lots of kisses before bed and pretending to nibble her cheeks a little, she yelled, "I am not a snack! Everyone thinks I'm a snack!"

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

09 February 2016

Madelyn was upset because she got in trouble this afternoon. Alyson wanted to give her a hug to make her feel better, but Madelyn wanted nothing to do with it. Alyson pouted, "I'm mad at Madelyn because she wouldn't let me give her a hug!"

Monday, February 8, 2016

08 February 2016

Alyson had a small cut on the inside of her cheek that was bothering her. (I later found out that it was likely from her running into Tony's bag this morning when she ran up to say goodbye to him.) 

Me: We could try putting a little tiny bit of salt on it to help it heal faster.
Alyson: I don't like salt! It's too spicy!
Me: Salt isn't spicy. We'll just do a little bit, and you can rinse your mouth if you need to.

I put a little bit of salt in my hand and then used my finger to put some on the spot. 

Alyson: I like salt!

She reached out with her own finger and got some salt to put on the spot. And, she didn't complain about it again.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

07 February 2016

We had apple cinnamon baked oatmeal for breakfast this morning. Both girls loved it and were disappointed that I couldn't make more because we were out of apples. We did have a little bit leftover, though.

Tony: Do you want anymore, Aly?
Alyson, whimpering looking at where we keep the apples: Yeah, but we don't have anymore apples....

Tony: There's still some already cooked!
Alyson: Oh!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

06 February 2016

While I was kissing Alyson good night:

I kissed Alyson's nose.
Alyson: Let me kiss your forehead!

I bent down to let her kiss my forehead.

Alyson: Let me kiss your hair!

Me, as I chuckled and tilted my head and bent down for her to kiss my hair: Um, okay.

Alyson, after kissing my hair: Ewwww!

So, I tickled her into a fit of giggles!

Friday, February 5, 2016

05 February 2016

We had Panera for dinner tonight. As usual the girls got macaroni and cheese.

Alyson: Best macaroni and cheese ever!
Madelyn: Yeah, best ever!
Alyson: Applesauce macaroni and cheese would be better!
Madelyn: Applesauce mixed into macaroni and cheese? Ew! That would taste like.... apple.... and... coffee!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

04 February 2016

Alyson took one of her teddy bears to Grandma and Grandpa's today. While there, they discovered a hole in it. Grandma sewed it up for her. When Alyson was telling me about this, she told her grandma how much she appreciated her, by telling her, "Grandma, you are awesome!"

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

03 February 2016

During dinner, Alyson was surprisingly eating the salmon, orzo, and edamame when she exclaimed, "I like all of my food for one day!"

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

02 February 2016

Alyson and I were cuddling on the couch before leaving to get Madelyn from the bus stop.

Alyson: Applesauce! You're applesauce!
Me: I'm applesauce?
Alyson: Yeah, that means you're sweet!

She then pretended to eat me all up.

(Alyson often calls things "applesauce". Honestly, I've always thought it was silly, cute, and probably a compliment since she loves applesauce.)

Monday, February 1, 2016

01 February 2016

Alyson had her afternoon all planned out today. As we got home, she informed me, "When I get back from getting Madelyn at the bus stop, I'm going to play on my phone!" ("Her phone" is Tony's old iPhone that she sometimes gets to play on. Yes, I did let her play on it.)