Sunday, November 30, 2014

30 November 2014

I was putting together the favors for Madelyn's birthday party at the dining room table while Alyson was eating her lunch. As I was putting the stickers in, she pointed to the stickers, and then pointed to her forehead while saying "Eh!" to indicate that the stickers were to go on her forehead.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

29 November 2014

While putting the ornaments on the Christmas tree today, Alyson insisted that all of the ornaments go on one branch. If there wasn't another ornament ready for her to hang when she was done with one, she would yell, "More!" and try to get to the box.

Friday, November 28, 2014

28 November 2014

On the ride home this evening, the girls were telling knock-knock jokes to each other.

Alyson: Din din!
Madelyn: Who's there?
Alyson: Apple.
Madelyn: Apple who?
Alyson: APPLE!

This went on and on, over and over. Five minutes later:

Alyson: Din din. (no one answered) Din din!
Tony: Who's there, Aly-boo?
Alyson, completely in shock at who answered her: WHAT?!?!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

27 November 2014

As we were finishing up our Thanksgiving dinner:

Mom: Do we want to have dessert now or wait?
Alyson, with a mouthful of food from dinner: Wait!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

26 November 2014

Before bed, I was telling Alyson the plan for tomorrow.

Me: We'll get up and get dressed and have breakfast. And then we'll watch the parade and go over to Grandma's before Santa comes on at the end of the parade....
Alyson: GG!
Me: Yes, you'll see GG. Then, you'll have lunch and take a nap.
Alyson, turning around and pointing to her crib: There.
Me: No, you'll take a nap in your crib at Grandma's.
Alyson: Oh.
Me: And then, we'll have Thanksgiving dinner after your nap. We'll have turkey...
Alyson, clapping and excitedly bouncing up and down in my lap: Yay!
Me: And stuffing and sweet potatoes and corn and mashed potatoes...
Alyson continued acting excited about the food.
Me: And gravy and cranberry sauce....
Alyson: Yay!
Me: And for dessert...
Alyson stopped clapping and looked at me in anticipation since I said "dessert".
Me: We'll have pumpkin pie!
Alyson: Mmmmmm.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

25 November 2014

Alyson was playing the Peek-A-Boo Halloween game on the old iPhone while Tony and I were fixing dinner. She was repeating everything the kids on the app announced were behind the door. Following the announcement for the werewolf, she yelled out happily, "Weh-woof!"

Monday, November 24, 2014

24 November 2014

With every book Tony finished reading her tonight before bed, Alyson waved to the book and told it "Buh bye!"

Sunday, November 23, 2014

23 November 2014


Alyson was quite talkative on our walk before dinner.

Alyson, while hearing some dogs barking: Walk woof dinner!
Tony: We're on a walk and the dogs want dinner?
Alyson: Yeah.

And later:

Tony: Do you see that airplane?
Alyson, looking up and pointing: Right there!
Tony: Yup.
Alyson, cupping her hand around her mouth and yelling up to the plane: Hi there!


After we got home from visiting Santa:

Me: Alyson, did you like seeing Santa?
Alyson: Yeah....

No, she did not. She screamed bloody murder and wanted nothing to do with the bearded man.


After Alyson had been in bed for a while, and I thought she was asleep, Tony opened the front door to check the weather before going for a run. Alyson's bedroom is right above the living room with the front door. Over the monitor, I heard, "Buh bye!"

Saturday, November 22, 2014

22 November 2014

This morning, talking about visiting Santa tomorrow:

Me: What are you going to ask Santa to bring you for Christmas?
Alyson: Apple!

Friday, November 21, 2014

21 November 2014

We were walking back to the car after dinner and a quick stop into Carter's, and as we passed each parked car, Alyson pointed to the cars and yelled, "Parked!"

Thursday, November 20, 2014

20 November 2014

While we were cuddling in the rocking chair before bed tonight, I asked Alyson to give me a hug. She then discovered that she could reach around me and hold onto the back of the rocking chair with both hands and "trap" me to the chair.

Alyson grabbed onto the chair.
Me: I'm trapped!
Alyson let go.
Me, acting excited and shaking my shoulders back and forth: Wiggle!
Alyson giggled hysterically and gabbed the chair again.
Me: I'm trapped!
Alyson let go.
Me, acting excited and shaking my shoulders back and forth: Wiggle!
Alyson giggled hysterically and gabbed the chair again.
Me: I'm trapped!
Alyson let go.
Me, acting excited and shaking my shoulders back and forth: Wiggle!
Alyson giggled hysterically and gabbed the chair again.

And repeat again and again and again.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

19 November 2014

Alyson was looking at "Where's Spot?" by Eric Hill. As she was flipping through the book, she would lift of the flaps and "read" out "nnnnoooooo!!!!".

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

18 November 2014

While Tony was reading her "The Foot Book" by Dr. Seuss:

Tony, reading: In the house and on the street, how many different feet you meet.
Alyson: Two!

Monday, November 17, 2014

17 November 2014

When Tony finished reading "The Very Busy Spider" by Eric Carle to Alyson before bed tonight (the book is printed so that you can feel the web the spider weaves):

Tony: Alyson, can you touch the spider web?
Alyson: Yes.
Alyson bent down and kissed the spider web on the page.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

16 November 2014

We were trying to get Alyson to say Madelyn's name today. She insisted that her sister's name is "Nam-elf-oon".

Saturday, November 15, 2014

15 November 2014

Madelyn was singing the "I like to eat apples and bananas" vowel changing song in the car. Alyson joined in singing, "Ut upple upple!"

Friday, November 14, 2014

14 November 2014

Me: Alyson, do you want to go out to eat?
Alyson, putting her hands in the air in pure excitement: EAT!
Me: Okay, we need to go upstairs and change your diaper so that we can go.
Alyson, as she started running toward the stairs: Me! Dipe!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

13 November 2014

During dinner, Madelyn was trying to tell us knock knock jokes as usual.

Madelyn: Knock knock.
Tony and I didn't answer her.
Alyson: Apple!
Madelyn: Knock knock.
We still didn't answer.
Alyson, trying to help her sister: Din din! Apple!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

12 November 2014

Alyson ate every bit of her dinner tonight to the point of trying to pick every last bit of sauce and cheese off her plate with her fingers while repeatedly asking, "Mohr? Mohr?"

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11 November 2014

With her lunch, Alyson had half of an apple. That wasn't enough. When she saw that her daddy was eating an apple, she got excited:

"Apple apple apple apple!!!!"

Monday, November 10, 2014

10 November 2014

While fixing my lunch after Alyson was already eating hers, she saw me get some leftover chicken to put on my salad. She wanted some, so I gave it to her. That wasn't enough, though. She kept pointing to her plate and the chicken and yelling "Dipt!" at me because she wanted barbecue sauce as well.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

09 November 2014

After picking the girls up from Mom and Dad's (Thanks again!), we were just leaving their neighborhood when Alyson asked:

"Mama, Jarbahk?"

No, we were not going to Starbucks.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

08 November 2014

Alyson kept asking "what?" or "why?" in response to everything Madelyn said. Madelyn got fed up and complained to us:
Madelyn: Alyson keeps saying the same thing over and over!
Tony: Pot, meet kettle.
Madelyn: What?!
Me: It means that you do the same thing.
Madelyn, to Alyson: Pot me kettle!
Alyson: Whah?
Over and over like this:

Friday, November 7, 2014

07 November 2014

After dinner Tony had Alyson help him empty the dishwasher. She was taking the items out of the dishwasher and handing them to him to put away. Tony wasn't fast enough for her, though, because she started screaming "More!" at him and trying to hand him stuff faster than he could put them away.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

06 November 2014

Alyson was singing the Alphabet Song to herself, so I started prompting her:

Me: Say "A".
Alyson: A.
Me: B.
Alyson: B.
Me: C.
Alyson: E.
Me: D.
Alyson: E
Me: E.
Alyson: Elmo.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

05 November 2014

After Alyson's pajama shorts fell into the empty, clean diaper pail:

Alyson: Oh, no!
Me: Say "oops".
Alyson: Oop.
Tony: Say "oopsie".
Alyson: Uh oh!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

04 November 2014

While getting ready for bed, Alyson heard Madelyn being loud from her room.

Alyson, pointing toward Madelyn's room: Eh?
Tony: Yes, sister is being silly.
Alyson, pointing to herself: Me!
Tony: You're silly, too?
Alyson: Yyyeeesssss!

Monday, November 3, 2014

03 November 2014

An example of how Madelyn and Alyson interact with each other quite often:

Madelyn: Knock, knock.
Alyson: Ding, ding.
Madelyn: Raspberry.
Alyson: Oh.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

02 November 2014

Frozen on Ice started out with Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters on the ice essentially introducing the show. After they all left the ice, Alyson was concerned:

"Mao? Mao? Where's Mao?"
(Mao = Mouse and is generally used for Mickey and Minnie)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

01 November 2014

Alyson was walking around in circles through the house today on her tip toes while saying quietly to herself, "Dip doe, dip doe."