Thursday, November 20, 2014

20 November 2014

While we were cuddling in the rocking chair before bed tonight, I asked Alyson to give me a hug. She then discovered that she could reach around me and hold onto the back of the rocking chair with both hands and "trap" me to the chair.

Alyson grabbed onto the chair.
Me: I'm trapped!
Alyson let go.
Me, acting excited and shaking my shoulders back and forth: Wiggle!
Alyson giggled hysterically and gabbed the chair again.
Me: I'm trapped!
Alyson let go.
Me, acting excited and shaking my shoulders back and forth: Wiggle!
Alyson giggled hysterically and gabbed the chair again.
Me: I'm trapped!
Alyson let go.
Me, acting excited and shaking my shoulders back and forth: Wiggle!
Alyson giggled hysterically and gabbed the chair again.

And repeat again and again and again.

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