Tuesday, May 31, 2016

31 May 2016

Can't argue with a three-year-old sometimes. On the way home this afternoon:

Alyson: Can I have a snack when we get home?
Me: How about after we get back from getting Madelyn?
Alyson: But I'm hungry now. Going to the bus stop won't make me not hungry. It'll just make me hungrier!

Monday, May 30, 2016

30 May 2016

The girls got goodie bags from the fire station open house today. There was an 8" ruler. While in the car on the with home, Alyson pulled out the ruler and said, "I have my own ruler! Let's see how long I am. [indistinguishable counting while pointing to the ruler] I'm up to 7!"

Sunday, May 29, 2016

29 May 2016

After dropping Madelyn off at her birthday party this afternoon, I decided to go for a run before it started raining.

Me: I'll probably get rained on before I'm done.
Alyson: If it starts raining you can get in a car and come home.
Me: No, if it starts raining, I'll probably just keep running and run home if it gets bad.
Alyson: If you want to run back, okay, but be careful.

(For the record, it started sprinkling on me about a mile in and was a light drizzle until about 6 miles when it started raining harder. I was pretty wet when I was done at 8 miles, but I've ran in worse.)

Saturday, May 28, 2016

28 May 2016

We had dinner today at Auntie Julie's. Another friend, V-Khye was also there. While we were eating, Alyson whispered to Tony, "He (V-Khye) is not a panda is he?" The rest of the visit, his name was Mr. Panda.

Friday, May 27, 2016

27 May 2016

While at Home Depot picking out vegetable plants, Alyson got really excited about the basil plants. They had a picture of pizza on the tag for the plant. She begged us, "Can we get a pizza plant?"

Thursday, May 26, 2016

26 May 2016

On the way to the bus stop when we were about two houses away:

Alyson: Are we almost there?
Me: I don't know. Are we?
Alyson: You know! You always know!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

25 May 2016

When I got to Mom and Dad's to pick up Alyson, Mom and her were playing tug of war with a piece of yarn. I decided to mess with them and get in on the game.

Me, grabbing the yarn in the middle: I got it!
Alyson: Hey! You're making this not as much fun!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

24 May 2016

Three-year-olds are really random. While Tony was trimming Alyson's finger nails, she said, "We cut our nails so they don't get too long like giant eyes!"

Monday, May 23, 2016

23 May 2016


While at the bus stop waiting for Madelyn it was pouring down rain. Alyson was holding her own umbrella. She kept playing with it and pushing the handle against the tip of her nose. She would turn to me and say, "Look at me!"


In the book Tony read to Alyson for bedtime, the two girls in the story create a doggy day care, but one girl only has a pet cat. They pretend the cat is a dog, and it will even play catch. Alyson couldn't believe it and said, "That's silly!"

Sunday, May 22, 2016

22 May 2016

Behind the church we go to is a place for dog boarding. Often when there is activity in the church parking lot, the dogs can be heard barking. Alyson heard them today as we were leaving and said, "I hear the dogs woofing! Wait, that's not right. They're barking. Woofing is a silly word."

Saturday, May 21, 2016

21 May 2016


The girls split a Klondike Bar for dessert tonight. While she was enjoying it, Alyson stated, "It almost tastes like ice cream!"


Alyson was putting away her laundry and brought me a shirt to show me.

Alyson: It's a plain, plain black shirt.
Me, pointing to a bow on the shirt: No, it's navy blue, and it has a bow.
Alyson, with delight: It's beautiful!

Friday, May 20, 2016

20 May 2016

One kid won't stop singing this song and the other likes to sass her sister:

Madelyn was sitting at the kitchen table doing her homework. Alyson was sitting in the living room with her back to Madelyn playing.

Madelyn, croakily: Hello. From. The. Other. Side.
Alyson, turning around and waving her hand in Madelyn's direction: Do your homework!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

19 May 2016

Typical imaginative play while at the bus stop waiting for Madelyn:
Alyson, in the grass: Oh no! I'm stuck! Save me!

Me, walking over to "pull her out": You're stuck? I'll save you!
Alyson: Thanks. [gasps] You stepped in the grass!
Me, looking down: No, I didn't. I stepped over it.
Alyson, apparently fine with that: Oh, okay. I want Mommy cuddles!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

18 May 2016

This one is going to be trouble:

Tony and I were talking about someone at work having to do something for her boss that she didn't want to.

Madelyn: I wouldn't have done it.
Me: Well, it's really hard to tell your boss that you aren't going to do something.
Madelyn: Why?
Tony: Because your boss is supposed to tell you things to do.

Alyson: I do not like bosses.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

17 May 2016

Alyson took a shower with me this afternoon to try to make both of us feel better after a day of sick. When I was rinsing her hair, she was making a contented sighing sound.

Me: Does that feel good?
Alyson: And warm....

16 May 2016

Alyson was playing with her water bottle and it splashed her a little. She laughed and said, "My water bottle just got me wet! On purpose! And he didn't say sorry!"

Sunday, May 15, 2016

15 May 2016

One of us was planning to make a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up a few things. Madelyn was staying home sick, but I was trying to see if Alyson wanted to get out of the house for a little bit.

Me: Do you want to come with Daddy or Mommy to the grocery store to get coffee creamer and Claritin?
Alyson: Why do we need that?!?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

14 May 2016

It started raining and the girls were worried about their outdoor toys getting wet. Alyson stated, "It's a good thing the garden is made to get wet."

Friday, May 13, 2016

13 May 2016

Normal dinner conversation in our house:

Madelyn: Can you get to outer space without a rocket?
Tony: Not currently.

Alyson: Only with a car.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

12 May 2016

Madelyn and Alyson were outside playing with a frisbee. I'm pretty sure this was a first for Alyson. She kept trying to throw it to Madelyn like a ball, and every single time, she chucked the frisbee into the ground about three feet in front of her instead of making it anywhere near Madelyn.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

11 May 2016


Alyson's nose was a little runny and stuffy this morning, so we gave her some Children's Claritin to see if that would help. About 10 minutes later as she was going downstairs she declared, "The purple circle thing didn't help my nose yet!"


Our dinner conversation was about words and how one word may have a noun form, a verb form, and adjective form, etc. I commented on how geeky the conversation was and that I was impressed that Madelyn was enjoying it and really is our little geek.

Madelyn, proudly: I'm going to be a geek teenager!
Alyson: I'm going to be a doctor!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

10 May 2016

Alyson was being really loud at the dinner table. Each part of this conversation probably went on three times longer than this.

Madelyn: You're loud!
Alyson: No, I'm serious.
Madelyn: Sirius is loud. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Alyson: No.
Madelyn: Sirius Black.

More talking about serious Sirius Black.

Madelyn: Alyson, do you know what I'm talking about? Sirius Black!
Alyson: No, Sirius purple!

Monday, May 9, 2016

09 May 2016

Saying good night tonight somehow turned into me tickling Madelyn. I was holding one of her wrists with one hand and tickling her with the other.

Madelyn, trying to get away: You know I'm stronger than you, right?!
Me: Sure you are.

Alyson and Tony came in for Alyson to say good night to Madelyn. Tony grabbed Madelyn's feet and started tickling.

Madelyn: Nnnoooooo..... Aly, help me!

Alyson crawled up onto the bed and started tickling Madelyn's stomach.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

08 May 2016

Madelyn's homework on Friday was to write a sentence about what they did in school last week and to underline the noun and verb. While eating dinner, Mom was asking Madelyn about it, but not having her write it down. After Madelyn came up with a sentence, she was having trouble coming up with "I" being a noun. (Yes, we know it is a pronoun, but for the sake of this sentence, it was a noun.)

Mom: What's the first word?
Madelyn: I.

Mom: And what is that?
Alyson, butting in: Abracadabra!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

07 May 2016

Typical siblings:

Madelyn: Aly, I had it first, so I get it!
Alyson: Madelyn, I had it last, so I get it!

Friday, May 6, 2016

06 May 2016

This morning's breakfast conversation:

Alyson: Last night I had a good dream. A monster didn't eat me.
Madelyn: I had a good dream, too, about the whole house only having healthy food and no sugary food.
Me: So you want us to get rid of the sugary food?
Madelyn slowly shook her head no and looked at me as if thinking, "Don't you dare."

Thursday, May 5, 2016

05 May 2016

There were some crumbs left on the table that I had forgotten to clean up. When we got home, Alyson sat down at the table for a little snack.

Alyson: You need to wash the table.
Me: I didn't get the crumbs there.
Alyson: Yes, you did.
Me: Oh yeah. I'll clean it up.
Alyson, pointing to the crumbs after a couple minutes when I hadn't cleaned it up yet: Uuuhhhuuuummmmmm....

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

04 May 2016

While playing this afternoon, Alyson laid down on her back on the hardwood floor. She then started to push herself backward with her feet pretending she was swimming. Apparently, it was a race because she passed the love seat and yelled, "And, Alyson takes the lead!"

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

03 May 2016

Alyson was playing a game on the iPhone and a message came up asking if she wanted to quit a game.

Alyson: I don't want this so can you read it?
Me, meaning to tap the button and kind of forgetting she can't read yet: Say yes.
Alyson: Yes.

Monday, May 2, 2016

02 May 2016

After the crazy hail storm went away, Alyson informed us, "The hail storm went off to a different city with houses we've never before."

And later, when it was thundering a lot, she told me, "Will the thunderstorm calm down when it sees it's mommy?"

And while she couldn't sleep, Alyson said, "The thunder is in the way of me sleeping."

Sunday, May 1, 2016

01 May 2016

Alyson was whiny most of the morning, so I decided that she needed a nap after lunch.

Alyson: I'm done eating.
Me: Okay, then it's time for a nap.
Madelyn: She's taking a nap?
Me: Yeah, she been a whiny pants.
Alyson: No, I'm not whiny pants.
Me: Yes, you are.

Alyson, looking down at her skirt: But I'm not wearing any pants.