Thursday, December 25, 2014

25 December 2014

While eating dinner, we were trying to get Alyson to eat a bit of her beef, which Madelyn was actually eating.

Me to Alyson: You need to eat one bite and then I don't care.
Alyson: No!
Me: You can have more sweet potatoes if you eat a piece of beef.
Alyson: Yeah....
I moved the fork toward Alyson's mouth to put the beef in her mouth.
Alyson: No!
Me: Madelyn is eating it. Don't you want to try it?
Alyson: No!
Me: What if Madelyn feeds it to you?
Alyson: Yeah....
Madelyn started to bounce up and down in her seat in excitement.
Me: Will you eat it then?
Alyson: Yeah....
I handed Madelyn the fork.
Madelyn, moving the fork toward Alyson's mouth: Open up!
Alyson opened her mouth and easily started chewing the piece of beef. 
Madelyn: Good job, Alyson!
Me: Yay!
Alyson swallowed the beef and then she pointed at the empty spot on her plate where the sweet potatoes had been: More!

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