Tuesday, August 18, 2015

18 August 2015


When I put Alyson's spaghetti squash and meatballs on her plate for dinner, it just happened to look like a smily face, so I added the extra sauce to exaggerate the mouth.

Tony, trying to get Alyson to say that the squash and sauce looked like a smile: What does that look like?
Alyson: Mato sauce.


Before bed, Alyson and I were talking about how things will be different for her when Madelyn starts school.

Me: You'll get to be by yourself with Grandma and Grandpa all day.
Alyson: Me gonna miss Madelyn.
Me: Yeah, but you'll get to play by yourself and do what you want.
Alyson: Me like playing by myself, but I'm gonna miss Madelyn, too.


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