Wednesday, June 11, 2014

11 June 2014

When we were going through the Atlantic Reef Exhibit at the National Aquarium today, there were six divers or so feeding the fish, taking photos/video, and cleaning the exhibit. Two of them noticed Alyson watching them from the Ergo.

The divers waved to Alyson. The sleepy and shy girl put her head down and sucked her thumb.

Me: Alyson, wave to the divers.

Alyson kept sucking her thumb while the divers waved. I took Alyson's hand and put it to her mouth to blow the divers a kiss. She blew them a kiss and smiled. One of the divers took a breath from his regulator, put his hand to his mouth, and blew her a bubbly kiss. Alyson smiled even more as she put her head back down on my shoulder. All of the adult women around were aww-ing over the whole thing.

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