Wednesday, July 29, 2015

29 July 2015

After dinner, we went to the pool. While there:

Alyson, to me: Me want to go underwater!
Me: Okay. Close your mouth. I'm going to count to three, and then we'll go underwater. And you'll blow bubbles our of your nose. Ready?
Alyson: Yeah!

Me: One. Two. Three!

We went underwater and right back up.

Alyson: Me want to do it again!

This continued for at least ten minutes before Tony joined in the fun. He would go underwater at the same time and hold up a random number of fingers. Alyson would see what he did underwater and copy it when we were all back above water.

Alyson, getting more and more excited each time and practically throwing herself out of my arms into the water: Daddy do it again! Mommy do it again! Me do it again!

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